Epilogue - Chapter One - Surprise!

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This commonly switches from points of view.


Lucy's POV

                It had been at least two years since me and Natsu confessed our love to each other. That being said, we were still together. I was thinking of us getting married any time soon, but Natsu was always preoccupied with some party he was planning. 

                I stretched in my bed and woke Natsu up.

                "Good morning, Luce," he whispered sleepily. I gave him a peck on the lips and went to take a bath. I lay down in the tub, and thought. What is he planning that I have no idea about? When I came out of the bathroom, Natsu was nowhere to be found, so I assumed that he went back to his own house with Happy. I walked into the guild hall and noticed all my friends huddled around one table, Natsu in the group. Gray was dawdling near the request board, while Juvia kept giving him glances.

                "Ohayo, minna! What are you talking about?" All the girls and Natsu looked up and slowly dispersed.

                "What were you guys talking about?" I asked Natsu.

                "Luce...somebody's getting married tomorrow."

                "Really? Who?" I asked, surprised I didn't know there was a wedding.

                "Can't tell you yet." He gave me a sloppy kiss and went to talk to Romeo. Hmph. He's hiding something. 

Natsu's POV

                It has been long enough--and I think me and Luce should get married soon. We were discussing a secret marriage but we were never able to continue our talks because she kept coming. So when I finally couldn't stop myself, I just told her someone was getting married. Now to make it convincing...

Levy's POV

                I'm excited for Lu-chan. She will finally get married to the one she loves; she's been talking about proposing to him since forever. 

*the next morning*

Lucy's POV

                The next morning, Natsu wasn't there. I just took a shower, not sure what was going on, and walked to the guild in my best clothes, ready to propose to Natsu. Instead, the guild hall was completely empty. Right, there was a wedding today.

                "Lu-chan!" Levy yelled out suddenly. I went behind the curtain, and saw they held a white dress. Then I noticed everyone was wearing white.

                "Are these the bridesmaids' dresses?" I asked. I also noticed every single one of my friends was here, so who was getting married? The girls all nodded. They helped me get into the dress, but I noticed mine was more sophisticated than their dresses. I shrugged. 

                "Lucy! Your veil!" Juvia put on my veil and gave me a bouquet. Am I getting married? Is this it? No, Natsu would've proposed. I walked out from behind the curtain, and down the aisle. All the men were looking at me, silently drooling. There on the stage, stood Mirajane the Priest, and Natsu. As I walked on, Mira began the ceremony.

                "Do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy Heartfilia as your wife?" He stared into my eyes.

                "I do." I was shocked. So we were getting married?!

                "Do you, Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel as your husband?"

                "I do," I said, getting rid of my shock.

                "You may now kiss the bride." All the men and women in the seats waited eagerly. Natsu pulled me into a passionate kiss, and then we broke apart.

                "YOU COULD"VE TOLD ME, NATSU!"

                "Sorry, Luce, I thought you would say no-"

                "Of course not! I love you, remember?"

                "You guys argue like a married couple," Mirajane said and then giggled away.

                "WE ARE ONE!"

                "Come on, Luce, ready for our trip?" Trip? Our honeymoon?

                "We'll be back, minna! Have fun!" Oh...I'm gonna have so much fun!


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