Bonus Chapter

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Thanks to everyone's support, this book was a success and as a little award, here's a bonus chapter!

"Lu-chan!" Levy called out across the guild hall. The said mage jumped up, startled.

"Oh, Levy-chan." Lucy walked over to her best friend, her face illuminated by a smile.

"Lu-chan, there's fireworks today! It's Master's birthday after all," Levy said.

"Mm. I didn't know, but anyways. Are we all going together?"

"Mira planned groups of two, but you know what that means for us." she blushed and so did Lucy did the same. If Mira was picking groups, then she would take advantage of their...secrets.

"Oi, Luce!" Natsu shouted to the two friends, who were giggling and blushing. The blonde looked up, and saw Natsu, waving a request flier.

"What's it say, Natsu?" she asked.

"Lucy, do you know where to find, flower?" It can't be that hard, Lucy thought.

"Sure!" she chirped. Levy sent her a wink, and Lucy and Natsu went to go do the job, Happy waiting outside.

"So we just have to find this flower?" Lucy asked, surprised at how easy the job was.

"Yes, Lushee," Happy said.

"All right! I'm all fired up!" Natsu screamed into the sky.

"Okay, Natsu, please try not to destroy anything," she warned and went to look for the flower. I wish Natsu wasn't so would be so hard to tell him now...

"Luce! Is this it?" Natsu asked while Lucy was thinking. Natsu held up a blue flower with pink spots on it.

"That's the one. Eh Natsu? Why do you have two?" Natsu walked over to Lucy and put the flower in her hair, and she blushed at his sudden gesture.

"They llllllllllike each other," Happy teased. Lucy's face turned redder and Natsu grinned.

"Anyways, let's go back," Lucy said, trying to hide her blush. While walking back to the guild, Natsu and Lucy talked about the Firework Festival.

"Natsu, are you going to the Firework Festival?"

"Of course!" Natsu pumped his fist in the air. Lucy laughed, and thought about him once again.

"Anyways, Luce, it's at South Magnolia Park."

"I know that, you baka! I know my places, unlike you! You can't tell that my apartment is clearly not yours!" she scolded. Natsu chuckled.

"Luce, you're such a weirdo." The rest of the walk to the guild was silent.

Lucy, Natsu, and Happy walked into the guild, and saw that most of the guild members were already dressed in nicer clothes.

"I should go change," Lucy muttered. Natsu nodded and waited for her.

"Lu-chan!" her best friend shouted as she left.

"Where'd you get that flower?" Levy asked. Lucy blushed and waved bye to Levy. In a few minutes, Lucy reappeared at the guild, wearing a frilly pink dress (like the one she wore to the Fantasia parade).. Natsu nodded his head, approving of her outfit.

"Well, we're ready to go aren't we?" Mira asked.

"HAI!" the guild shouted.

"So our groups for today are...Natsu and Lucy, Gray and Juvia, Romeo and Wendy, Elfman and Evergreen, Lisanna and Bickslow, Happy and Carla, Gajeel and Levy, and of course Alzack and Bisca. Most of these pairs work good together, so if your name wasn't called, then you will find a partner." All the groups called went to rejoice with their partners, but Lucy and Levy were really mad. And blushing.

"Also, Erza, we have a guest for you." The whole guild quieted down to see Erza's childhood friend, Jellal. He smiled, and took Erza's hand in his. Erza was also blushing.

"Ah, Mira, do you mind?" A familiar voice asked through the quiet. And it was none other than Mirajane's favorite Lightning Dragon Slayer. Mira smiled, and all the groups left together. Lucy ran first, excited to see the fireworks. While she stood atop the hills at the park, a sudden push came from behind her, and she was rolling down the hill with her other best friend going along with her. She blushed suddenly, wondering if anyone saw them, but everyone else was too caught up in the fireworks (and their loves) to notice the two. As the fireworks began to go off, Lucy realized how awkward it was that she was on top of him, their lips centimeters apart. Natsu smiled. I haven't had enough of her yet, he thought.

"Natsu," she whispered. Natsu opened his mouth, but he was cut off by a deep kiss. It was none other than his one and only Lucy Heartfilia. As they pulled apart, Natsu blushed.

"Lucy," he whispered back. They slowly got off of each other and sat up, hand in hand, watching the rest of the fireworks.

Well, I guess this is the true end. A big thank you to everyone has supported me—my fans, my friends, everyone—this book wouldn't have succeeded without you guys. Thank you for everything.

If you're disappointed that this book has ended, don't fret! I have other Fairy Tail based stories: Hailstorm (Gruvia) and Your Lucy? (mainly Nalu) as well as other teen fiction books: Paper Cranes, Otherworldly, and Of Vodka Shots and Beer Bottles. You can check them out if you would like.

That's everything. Once again, thank you so much!

Lots of love,


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