a dent in the future.

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it was october 20th, one of the warmer days of october,leaves where falling,pumpkin spice everything along with the avid talk of halloween coming ever so quickly and constantly hearing the same 2 costume ideas of ladybug and chat noir paris very own super hero's

3rd person

as students at Collège Françoise Dupont flooded into the school, there was allot of chatter amongs the students of who was hosting party's, who broke up with who, not completing homework, the latest akuma, talking shit about other students and teachers and most of all halloween plans.

it was 8:40am and the first bell rang in five minutes,marinette rushed into the building hoping to be just on time, she ran up the stairs and into her class with 2 minutes to spare.

marinette slid into her seat, sitting next to alya her best friend

"hey girl so what's the excuse this morning, you barley made it?" alya said to her friend

"i just slept in this morning, i couldn't sleep last night" marinette expressed

though everything marinette just said to alya was true, being up till 2am battling akumas really had took a bigger toll on her sleep schedule as well as her tardiness.

"well girl, did you hear chloe is hosting a halloween party and she said she will sending out invitations to the whole class" alya whispered

"i doubt that i will get one alya you know her" marinette rolled her eyes sarcastically

"well mari we will see" alya patted her shoulder

as she did this marinette was torn apart of their conversation and her attention was took to the blonde model that was walking into the class that she admired,beside him was the boy alya liked, she was more you could say discrete about her crush then marinette ever was with adrien agreste.

her attention was turned away from the model and to the teacher when she snapped at the teen boys.

"adrien agreste and nino Lahiffe, what's the reasoning for showing up almost at the bell" mrs bustier said stirnly, as the bell rang behind her

alya and marinette looked at eachother in question of what was up with her sudden change in attitude.

"oh i was waiting for adrien outside the bathroom" nino splattered out as mrs bustier gave them a head nod dismissing them to get in their seats"

alya moved closer to marinette

"what stick you think went up her ass this morning" alya laughed a little but quitely

"girl i have no fuckin idea" marinette replied

the school day went bye very slow for marinette, the last bell rang and she packed up her things and started to walk home back to the bakery that was conveniently just across the street from the school.


marinettes pov

i walked into the bakery door and breathed in the familiar scent of freshly baked macaroons,
i said hello to my mama and papa and made my way up to my room that was just above the bakery.

"tikki your good to come out"

"hey marinette how was school" tikki squeaked

"so busy, i'm sorry i didn't talk to you much today, i hope you saw what i put in my bag for you this morning"

"yes i did and i loveeeed it thank you so much marinette" tikki went and hugged my cheek as i cupped the small but very powerful god in my hand to hold her tightly

her phone binged and vibrated on her desk.

*call from chloe b*

"oh lord tikki"

"marinette just pick up the phone" the red bug yelled

on the call

"hey marinette, i wanted to know if you wanted to come to my halloween party"chloe explained to her.

"uh sure chloe i would gladly"

"okay perfect imma go text the deets to you right now see you at school tomorrow bye girl"

*chloe hung up the phone on her end*

"uh tikki what the hell was that" i was getting very confused at this point

"i don't know marinette somthing seems a little fishy" as tikki said looking at the phone

"i think i'm going to go"
3rd person

marinette was having a conversation with tikki as Bunnix heard somthing that could but a huge dent in the future.

there was a very evil plan that was being stirred up that made marinette fall into a deep trap

bunnix ran about 70 feet to her left, she put her hand on the walls of her burrow to reveal what was soon to come.

it was 11 days in the future, marinette attended a party,chloe had a evil plan to embarrass marinette in front of adrien,leading marinette to get akumatized which couldn't happen.

bunnix knows exactly what chloe's weekness is since her last year had been pretty rough, chloe got pregnant, she had a miscarriage when she was expecting, this crushed her, she didn't tell anyone who took advantage of her, they meant allot to her and then they left as soon as they got what they wanted. chloe despised kim for this but her one weekness is children, the only reason chloe hated marinette was because marinette liked adrien.

bunnix ran to the other side of her Borough and stepped into the future.
~10 years into the future~

"marinette i need to take your kids you made a dumbass mistake in the present time that i need to fix. they will be back soon i swear" bunnix spoke seriously

"alix you know i trust you, don't let anyone hurt them especially you know who,lemme go get them some bags ready and i'll give you all the stuff for hugo, alix i know you well enough that you are taking them to a earlier time line to make sure this wouldn't go away i know you" a older marinette spoke well feeding her new born

she handed over a new born hugo to alix, marinette ran to louis's room first and grabbed a week of clothes in a backpack, marinette did the same for the oldest emma who was only 6 and the same for hugo but added his dippers and some previously pumped milk and anything a 1 month old baby would need, she grabbed the kids and told them

"you guys are going on vacation and mommy will be their too,but alix will drop you guys off okay?"

emma and louis nodded they understood that thier mom was a superhero and along with thier father but knew not to share that with anyone. and that some very weird things happen due to their parents ability and that they understood as well.

"okay babys" she hugged and kissed them.

alix opened the borough and took the kids in side and walked them all the way back to the other side.

she walked into the present timeline with 3 little agrestes. into marinettes room.

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now