a tease

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alix walked over and turned of the lights.

"AHHHHH IM SCARED OF THE DARK" maylne screamed

"the projectors on stop acting like a bitch" kim laughed

5 minutes into the movie adrien moved his head closer to marinettes so there heads where touching

behind them you could hear alya violently hitting nino too show her OTP ship.
marinettes pov.

i was dying as i was struggling to not giggle at alya hitting nino as soon as adrien moved closer to me.

"this is so funny princess"he wispered into his ear, i love when he calls me that name FUCK it's so adorable.

2 minutes later adrien moved his leg that his calf was hitting the heal of my foot. as soon as i felt his leg hit my calf i turned onto my side away from him so naturally i moved a little away.

i knew that alya was silently scolding me well moving her hands to pretend to rip out her hair and my dumb choice i let out a little giggle.

"bug come back" he begged well he moved his hand to pull my arm to get me to turn back well i didnt.

"then i'll gladly come to you" he moved closer to me so he could whisper it, by now i was listening to alya and ninos giggled and disregarding anything he was saying

adrien and i where basically spooning expect his legs where stright when mine wherent. i saw him pull away for a second which made me turn around, this kid is smart he grabbed a blanket and threw it over the two of us.

no pov

as soon as the thin blanket was pulled over the two adrien bent his knees into hers well bringing over the hand on top and gliding it onto her waist.

behind them another cuddly couple where freaking out with there hands gripping the others arms with wide eyes and mouth.but not at the movie

adrien started to move his hand and started to draw circles and lines along the side of her body.

"kitty" marinette said to him well turning on her back so she could look at her boyfriend

"yes milady" he said back to her with his head being held up with his arm.

"i miss our baby's"  marinette said to her boyfriend who was still gliding his finger around her stomach.

"me too but sometimes mommy's and daddy's need a baby break" adrien whispered into her ear well they both pulled back at giggled

alya interviened the altercation by tapping marinette on the shoulder "mari can we you come to the bathroom with me"  with that marinette stood up leaning adrien still on the floor
marinettes pov

after i got dragged into the fucking hallway with alya i reilized i had to say somthing first.


"GIRL I SAW THATS WHY I DRAGGED YOU TO THE HALLWAY TO SEE IF YOU WHERE OKAY" alya yelled back at me okay i think we are good i think she believes it

"ugh this is going to be so awkward going back now, what if i trip or i studder why alya did you drag me out so early" i made sure to seem frantic to not go back

"girl you should be fine based that he was making all the moves" alya said back with a little sas

"okay okay" with that i walked back into the room.

the movie was about 26 minutes in by now coincidentally to my luck i walked back into the start of a scene of movie that everyone was watching, a very special scene.

a ladynoir dance to the adrienette song.

adrien jumped up as the whole class knew this was their song, as class held there breath as he took her hand right when she walked in the door.  right when the dance started

the class held there breath seeing that they where dancing along with the almost obvious flirting between the two the whole night.

since in the movie it was a shortened version of the song after about a minute the song was coming to an end, adrien took marinettes hand and gave her a spin,she started laughing at his actions,he gave her a bow which made them both start laughing even harder.

they both sat down but not as close as they where sitting before

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now