dont cause the end of the world.

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A/N this is a very short chapter because allot of longer chapters will be added this one is just more important
3rd person - at adriens

"ugh i don't know plagg she so so cute and adorable but what about ladybug,but marinette is amazing and so is ladybug" adrien said to plagg

"i don't know kid,it's okay to have two pots boiling,but why was that teacher being such a bitch today" plagg said and gulped down a thing of cheese.

"oh god plagg i have no idea,that's the first time she has ever snapped at any of us and it was NINO AND I like what the actual hell,i'm still not over it". adrien turned around out of his chair and looked outside.
present time- no pov

"ugh tikki i don't want to do homework" marinette said as she looked down at her sheet

a loud noise of bunnix opening up her borough and stepped out with all three of marinettes children.

"um. bunnix why are you here with three baby's"  marinette looked at her confused and concerned

"MOMMY" louis and emma yelled running and holding marinettes legs

"these are your children in the future the girl her name is emma she's six, that is louis he is three and i'm holding hugo he's one month old. you need to take care of these kids untill after chloe's party and bring them with you everywhere but school, they know you are ladybug and know about tikki, know about chat noir and your husband who end up being the same person ,okay marinette either way you're going to get married to chat noir got it, they are helping bring you two together a little bit faster to help a possible akuma that could happen, got it mini bug" alix explained everything

"wait what about my parents" marinette panicking as alix held over the little baby

"well because of this you need to tell them your ladybug and this is to make sure you don't cause the end of the world" alix said to her

"hmph okay alix i trust you" she said looking at the baby then go alix as she opened their brough

"also diapers and everything you need is in the baby bag i got you if anything run to the store and get more. cya and don't cause the end of the world" alix went back into the bourgh.

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now