gabriel agreste.

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no ones pov-

adrien bit his lip. he had to think and had to think fast. he shut his eyes and took a deep breath and reached in his back pocket of his jeans, he finds his phone and pulls it infront of him, he unlocks it, he moved his fingers in circles over the screen untill his finger landed on the call button,as soon as the app opened he selected the contact listed 'father' he pressed call.

it rang for a few seconds he started to get scared that he wouldn't pick up.

"hello son what is the matter" Gabriel spoke firmly (he has chilaxed and remember he gave up being hawkmoth)

"i'm with marinette right now and a article just got posted and it needs to be taken down" adrien ranted out

"son nathalie just pulled it up,hm so this is the lover girl you where talking about huh. very well son,but why does it need to be taken down i think it would be good publicity for us" gabriel said well looking at the photo of his son kissing a midnight colored hair girl, on the tablet ,but in deep thought as well.

"because i'm chatnoir and she's ladybug and we are on a mission right now from out future self to watch our children from the future, because future is in a very big issue" adrien spoke fast to his father

"alright son i understand,i will take care of this immediately" gabriel said with a now stright face knowing now he has been fighting his son this whole time and that he was now the reason he tried to kill himself. gabriel's colors in his face washed away he was pale. he regrets it all now.

"nathalie please have it removed.immediately" he said well walking upstairs into his sons room

gabriel's pov-

i walked into his room, i had never felt so evil as i do now, i made my way across his room, it felt eerie since the only noise in the room was my shoes hitting the ground.

before i knew it my vision started to blur, i blinked but was only left with a tear running down my left eye.

i was still walking untill i made it to adriens bathroom, i opened the door and i angled my head to the floor, looked at the blood stained shower mat, by this time my eyes had turned into rivers.

i lifted my arm and whipped my tears hoping they would soon stop,i turned around slowly and looked through the open door


"you got this adrikins!" my beautiful wife said well holding our 5 year olds back as he climes up the rockwell himself

"honey he will be fine if he falls we have a mat there honey" i laughed well putting my arms around her waist

"MAMA PAPA LOOK HOW I HIGH I GOT WITHOUT MOMMYS HELP!" adrien yelled i couldn't help but let out a smile i was happier then ever. life is perfect.

-end of flashback-

i felt my knees start to tremble i have never felt so guilty about somthing in my life.

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now