mari im here to help you.

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no pov-

adrien and marinette went to bed that night pleased but excited for tomorrow and to mess with the ladyblogger herself.
they both layed down went on thier phones and talked to thier kwamis till they fell asleep.

next morning.

adrien woke up dreading the thought of getting up and going to school moving on with life, only one thing was making him jump from his bed and rush to school and that was marinette and his kids.

maris POV

i heard a knock on the door and opened it god it's to early for this i opened the door and it stood adrien

"well goodmorning kitty,we are eatting breakfast, you hungry?" i was still in shock that me and him where really meant to be.

"well since i'm here ill have some bugaboo " his laugh his real laugh and smiles could light up a whole house.

when he gave me a kiss on the cheek, i could feel like i was 14 again by the way i acted.

"here then buggaboy" my heart felt content just like everything was right.

we ate some breakfast as a family,hugo was having a ruff morning he only wanted to be held by his mom or dad and he would start wailing,this was getting on my nerves

"sweetie do you think it would be to much if you brought him to school with you i'll call mr,damaclies and ask" my mom really wants me to bring hugo to school with me, is this lady insane

"mari i'm here i'll help you" god sometimes i'm so thankful for this boy more thankful than anything

no pov-

sabine picked up her phone and went into the other room and called the school,mr damacoles knew about marinette being ladybug due to her many lates and tardys aswell and leaving in the middle of class.

she got off the phone with mr damacloes aproving the baby coming to school and told marinette to tell her the truth to anyone who asked saying she can leave out the point that she's ladybug.

"okay mari and adrien he's going to school with you guys have fun" sabine said well waking back into the kitchen

after that marinette and adrien got together all of the things hugo would need,baby bag,diapers and a stroller.

"bye mom bye daddy" emma and louis yelled well saying goodbye to adrien and marinette

marinette was holding hugo and adrien was pushing the stroller to school, they walked across the street dragging allot of attention to the young parents.

they approached the school entrance and saw alya and nino standing outside the school waiting for there friends

"marinette why do you have a uh.. baby" alya said well walking over to the young parents.

"well a superhero from the future came here a couple days ago and said they are my baby's from the future and that i needed to take care of them for a little bit and today this little one doesn't want to leave his mommy" marinette explained to alya well laughing a little

"aweee oh my god can i try to hold him" alya asked marinette reaching her hands out

nino and adrien sat there just standing watching the conversation thier best friends where having.

"yo dude why are you pushing the stroller" nino asked adrien confused

"well i'm just helping her out,kids are allot of work, and he seems to like me allot" adrien knew he should keep out the part that he's the father marinette just smiled and nodded

"girl he wants to help you this is so big" alya whispered well taking hugo into her arms

"WAAAAAAAAAAAA" hugo screamed as soon and hugo was took into alyas arms she tried to bounce him and talk to him to calm him down but it wouldn't work they where reciving allot of stares due to this.

adrien took hugo into his arms and he stopped crying right away.

"woah dude your quite the baby whisper" nino laughed well patting adrien on the back

"girl we have got to get to class,i need the deets" alya said grabbing marinettes arms dragging her

"adrien,see you three in class?" marinette said well grabbing the stroller and carrying it up the steps to the school with help

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now