no bell ringing in my head

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adriens pov

HOW DID SHE KNOW I WAS CHATNOIR, and why is she asking so seriously like it was a big deal, i mean it kinda is but why is she trying to knock the kids out of the conversation, i think that is a bigger deal at the moment, i couldn't get out of this one because she already knew.

"yes marinette i am but please don't tell anyone no one is supposed to know" i pleaded to her

"cats honer" she said and held her hand over her heart "adrien i need to tell you somthing that might change both of our life's" she followed, my heart dropped i had no idea what she was about to say i was scared.
marinettes pov

i can't believe i'm about to do this tikki is going to fucking scream at me, wait wasn't this the point of the kids coming here. i was mentally panicking by the fact that i have been in love with adrien and have been practicly regecting him for years.

i put hugo in the stroller and hoped for the best.

"adrien uh- this might sound really weird at first but i need to explain the whole thing okay so don't jump to conclusions" i tried to be as clear as possible on this hoping he didn't run away

"okay okay i'll listen with a open mind" he said sometimes he's just a little to perfect

"oh- uh well last night (explains bunnix and the kids) but i don't know why and the only reason was to bring ladybug and chat noir together but as civilians" i said hoping and praying he caught on

"wait are you saying that your" he leaned up to my ear and whispered "ladybug" he pulled away and i nooded

"aren't you mad adrien that it's me" i was scared he still would run and never talk to me again.

"milady the first day i met you i said 'who ever is  under that mask,i love that girl' and i have kept it that whole time, because marinette you are as a amazing girl i have ever met mask or not you are extraordinary in both" i smiled trying not to blush at adriens words.

i smiled and gave adrien a hug, somthing was telling me to kiss him and i didn't know if it was a good idea but in the moment i guess it felt right.

3rd person/no pov

adrien pulled away from marinette for a slight second, thier eyes met knowing this would be a moment they would remeber forever, they must have both been thinking the same thing they both leaned in, and they kissed.


"fuck" adrien muttered under his breath

marinette knew the sound of the camera hoping it was just alya, but it wasn't even close, i should have been expecting paparazzi ,i mean it's adrien agreste.

"mari how about we go back to the bakery" adrien laughed

"emma louis, it's time to go home"yelling thier names

they quickly ran back and adrien scooped louis up and held emma's hand in the other.

marinette smiled knowing everything was going to perfectly to belive knowing she married adrien fucking agreste

marinette and adrien walked back to the bakery with the little agrestes, they went into the bakery to see marinettes mom and dad helping a customer

"hi grandma hi grandpa, look daddy is home!" emma yelled to marinettes parents

"tom that's another 20"sabine said holding her hand out to tom

"okay what the heck is up with all these bets on me this week" marinette pretended to be angry
"oh uh well this is adrien and he's the father of my kids. i guess " marinette stammered out aswell

"adrien honey marinette has told us allot about you both ways"sabine winked

adrien seemed to panic no one seemed to know of his identity but himself and plagg.

by this time the last costumer had left the store

"mari um identity's, secret, ring a bell or no" adrien turned to marinette she giggled

"no bell is ringing in my head" she kept laughing

*adrien gave her a soft jokingly nudge*

"i mean they had to know how would i explain 3 kids" she stammered

"alright kids go argue in the house bye" sabine waived them off as another costumer was walking in




thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now