hes really my son.

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3rd person-

marinette walked downstairs after she placed hugo in the playplace alix had gave her and asked tikki to watch them

"hey mom dad we need to talk about something very important that i guess im not to blame because i didn't know about this till 5 minutes ago"

"okay honey what's up" sabine said and sat down across the table with her coffee in her hands.

tom walked to the table taking his apron off

"okay this will maybe be very weird to explain but i'm ladybug like ladybug the hero, somthing with-in the next 11 days causes me to get akumatized within that period, bunnix another superhero from the future that can time travel she came here with my kids from the future, and just gave them to me. to push me and chatnoir to find each other naturally to stop a event happening within the Next 11 days so i don't cause the end of the world" marinette stammered out very fast

"tom you owe me 20" sabine said as she dusted her hands and held it out to tom

"whatever sabine, but marinette where's the kids" tom explained

"wait you guys aren't mad that i got pregnant at one point?" she asked them

"no honey we knew somthing weird like this out happen so it's all okay sweatie and that's in the future "sabine said walking up the stairs to see her grandchildren

tikki quickly hid as marinettes parents entered the room,sabine ran and grabbed hugo out of the crib very fast

"awe hello little baby, marinette what's his name" sabine smiled

"his name is hugo and he only one month, shocking right" marinette said to her mother

"i think your dad is a little happy" sabine said well looking over to her husband well she picked up little hugo and held him

tom was happily playing with louis and emma

"tikki you can come out it's okay i had to tell them, mom dad this is tikki she's a kwami,she's practically the reason i can transform into ladybug, she's the one who eats all the cookies" marinette laughed as tikki crossed her arms.

"hi i'm tikki and i've been with marinette since the first akuma attack it's nice to finally met you guys and sorry for eating all your cookies" tikki sequeled to tom and sabine

"no tikki do not worry about it we own a bakery we can manage a little kwami" tom laughed

"so bunnix said they have to come with me everywhere but school so would you guys like maybe watch them when i'm at school or somthing?" marinette shyley said

"marinette honey i love baby's and your dad can manage the bakery himself i'll watch them" sabine said as tom gave a nod to his daughter

*hugo starts crying in sabines arms*

"this is going to take some getting used to" marinette said taking the baby from her mom and gave hugo a bottle to make him stop crying in which he did

by this time hugo was tired and louis was getting ready for bed it was already 7:45

"hey mommy can we go to the park tomorrow" emma asked marinette

"now that's going to get some getting used to,marinette me and your dad are going to go get the shop ready for tomorrow have fun being a mommy" sabine laughed leaving marinette and her three kids 

marinette was excited but scared, she bounced the little baby until he fell asleep in her arms,she placed him in the crib, "yeah emma we can go, but grandma is going to watch you in the morning then we will go after school "

louis was in marinettes bed about to fall asleep since he was only four years old

emma was laying down on the air mattress that tom blew up for her since she was allot older she stayed up until about 8pm,she was playing with her dolls as her brothers slept soundly.

"emma do u want to go have some pastries?" marinette asked

"YES PLEASE i'm getting hungry" emma said relieved

maris pov

it was the next morning and i made sure to wake up a little earlier to get all the kids ready for the day, hugo woke up at 6am which woke me up aswell.

i got him out of his crib and changed him, emma and louis where still asleep, i walked downstairs with hugo and had a good breakfast with my mom and dad

"so marinette how is it being a mom" tom laughed

"fine so far all i have had to do was change his diaper just hoping for no akuma attacks well we go to the park later" i laughed as she bounced him in her arms well looking at his eyes

"may i hold him for a little sweetie" tom asked marinette

i handed my dad hugo when emma walked down the stairs and let out a yawn with bed head and her jammies on

"i'm so excited to go to the park when mommy gets home from school" emma sat at the table and started eating her pancakes

soon after louis came down and ate aswell.

school starts at 8:45 and now it was 7:30 i walked up to my room with hugo and started to get ready when emma and louis where eating well my mom watched them

i left my hair down today after i took my shower, i wore my normal clothes and put on a little makeup

"tikki are you up" i didn't get any reply

i walked into my room and looked around for tikki since it was almost time to leave for school

"guess i won't be on time for school today" i muddered to myself

i walked downstairs and there she was tikki was sitting at the table eating some macaroons talking to emma and my mom.

i laughed to myself a little.

"tikki let's go to school, let's surprise alya because i'll be early"

tikki got in her little bag that i carried with me, i gave hugo to my mom and said goodbye to emma and louis by giving them hugs and kisses.

i hoped there's no akumas today, the least i can do is keep my family safe,now that i have three kids to worry about

it was the longest day i tried to conserve as much energy as i could, i knew my kids where waiting for me at home i was now just waiting for that bell to ring.

it's weird to think that i have my own kids not even for that long but i still have three kids and i just had another in the future that's now hugo.

i was sitting in class blurring out whatever it was that mrs bustier was teaching, before i knew it the bell wrong and departed me from my daydreaming about my kids at home and adrien.

i got out of my seat and shoved all my things in my bag so fast not caring if they got wrinkled i just wanted to get home and see my babies and spend time with them.

i ran across the street to my momma standing outside the bakery with hugo crying

i took him into my arms and he stopped crying at that moment i could sob knowing that he was really my son

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now