truth or dare

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no pov

adrien walked towards nino and did our same handshake since they first met freshman year,marinette,alya and chloe where talking about the kids at home, well everyone else was finishing laying out there stuff for the sleepover.

as soon as the desks where moved and the sleeping bags where layed out, all the students all sat on there sleeping bags and got the sleepover started.

conveniently adriens was placed next to marinettes with the help of alya and nino being them.

"does anyone know what was up mrs bustiers ass 2 days ago" alix asked her peers well throwing a m&m into her mouth

"dude i know she never yells and it was at me and adrien" as nino said this marinette and adrien already started their plan, marinette was fidgeting with adrien ring looking at his hands when all the eyes turned to adrien since they expected him to say somthing next

alyas eyes went wide as she saw out her bestfriend playing with her longtime crushes ring, the whole class shot each other looks as max was trying his best not to laugh his ass off .

"uh yeah i thought it was really weird like she never fucking yells" adrien said as he was looking at marinette playing with his ring and back to his friends repeatedly

on the other side of the circle wispers started to arise.

"bro he can't keep his eyes off her,he's got it bad"kim whispered into nathaniel ear

"i know just look at him" nathaniel said back to kim

"i got a idea" kim whispered back

the silence of the room was broken by kim

"let's play truth or dare" kim said loudly to catch everyone's attention that was on thier phones.

"and phones in the middle till 10" he said aswell, by now it was 7:37 and they haven't even been there for a hour.

everyone in the room agreed by throwing their phones in the middle of the room.

"kim truth or dare" alix started the game off...

the game started to get rowled up as soon as alya was dared to post on twitter that she had a STD
"marinette truth or dare" alya deflected the heat to her best friend.

"truth" she said having an idea of what her friend was going to ask

"is that photo of you and adrien real"

"what photo?"adrien butted in

"this one" chloe took the time to grab her phone and pull up the picture.

"there is a 99.2% chance that the photo has been edited" markov roboticly said.

"there's your answer" marinette said

after a couple of rounds the turn ended on adrien.

"adrien truth or dare" sabrina asked

"uhhh truth"

"who gave you that ring?" sabrina asked,marinettes eyes widened as she shot her gaze to adrien,he looked at her and responded to sabrina knowing this was a okay time to lie.

"well one of my non-biological family members uncle fu handed it down to me, he didn't have any kids and it's a family hierloom he gave to me, then as soon as i grew old enough to have the responsibility i started wearing it" adrien said using this as his alibi everytime someone asked about where he got his ring. he could feel plagg in his undershirt patting his back.

"marinette truth or dare" adrien looked at marinette

"truth too pussy cat" marinette said laughing well leaning over to nudge adrien

"why did you always studder around me and then it all a sudden stopped" adrien asked her making alya and the rest of the class but chloe and max hold there breath

"oh because i had this huge crush on you and then all a sudden i pushed it aside" marinette said proudly but making adrien go wide eyed

"GIRL" alya screamed to her and all she did was laugh back .

"okay okay nino truth or dare" marinette asked nino

"dare" he said making adrien laugh a little because her and adrien breifly talked about what good dares are.

"i dare you and alya to do a clothing switch for
the rest of the game"

the djwifi duo walked out of the room,to the bathrooms so they can change clothes. no less of 5 minutes later they walked back into the classroom with swapped clothing

"nino why does it look like you have boobs" ivan asked giggling

"you guys said clothing swap so we did a clothing swap" alya said

"don't tell us your wearing her underwear too" juleka said lightly

"out of all days she picked a thong" nino said as the class busted out laughing

rounds and rounds later everyone settled down after maylen suggested to watch a movie on the projector. they all decided on the ladybug and chatnoir movie to celebrate no akumas in over a week

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now