5 minutes

34 2 1

that morning marinette was the first to wake up


i woke up around 7:45 to a warm weight on my waist, i decided to stay up instead i grabbed my phone and opened up snapchats and views everyone's story's from the night before.

rose and juleka where doing homework together, alya was updating her ladyblog, nino was telling everyone about his groundbreaking shower concert and  sabrina was upset about chloe getting mad about lemonade. marinette laughed that one off she felt a shift behind her adrien was just sirring.

she thought it was time she got ready for school around 7:55 she was never up this early , when she started to get up she realized she was only wearing her bra, she ran down the later and put on a t-shirt that was laying on the ground she hopped in the shower and got dressed ready to takle the day,she was putting her hair up when she heard a knock on the door.

"hey imma head home and i'll see you at school mrs ladynoir" adrien said giving her air kiss as she did her hair.

about 20 minutes later marinette was downstairs about to leave for school

she was sitting in the bakery enjoying her
macrons when she saw the stroller, she suddenly lost her apatite.

the day went by as normal, so did the next day,making the whole week go by faster it was soon saturday morning  once over again. a week since emilie woke up.

i woke up with a strong urge to puke all over the place, i ran to my bathroom and threw up my hair was a mess and i just woke up.

i felt disgusting, i got in the shower and took a fast shower when i used my strawberry body wash, i started feeling sick all over again, i didn't throw up but i felt sick to my stomach and a horrible headache. it was already around 10pm. i brushed my teeth and then opened snapchat taking a mom selfie of me captioning it: "i just threw-up goodmorning to everyone else" i posted it on her private story, 4 minutes later i heard my phone buzzing on the desk.  a facetime call from alya

"hey alya what's up"

"girl tell me about your morning in full detail bc no one wakes up and just yacks " she seemed serious

"well i just did girl" i was confused why she wanted to know.

"fine i woke up nauseous,went to the bathroom threw up and then took a shower then got really nauseous and a bad headache from my body wash smell" i said because that's what happened.

"mari your still a virgin right?" alya asked me i would have told her if adrien and i wherent still keeping things on the low.  since all the issues and drama going around with his mom.

"wha- yes alya im still a virgin" i felt bad for lying but this i don't need to share

"wooo okay good i was scared you where pregnant or somthing" my eyes went wide when i heard alya, i replayed the night in my head and realized i don't think he put on a condom.

"okay alya i got to go and talk to my mom about somthing" that was another lie i grabbed my small bag and went to the pharmacy

as soon as i reached the aisle i kept my head down i didn't need people to see me when rumors where already flying around about me and adrien being together.

i grabbed the one with the middle price i didn't have much money for a clear blue but i didn't want to get somthing cheap. so i went with the branded by the store one. i grabbed it and made my way to self check out and just dropped 13 dollars to see if i was pregnant...

i threw out the box and just kept the unused test in my small bag by tikki. i walked home trapped in my thoughts not knowing if i was ready yet since this was all moving so fast.

i rushed up to my room and into the bathroom thank goodness i had to pee already. i took the test and set it on the counter of my bathroom and waited... it was the longest five minutes of my life.

i picked up the test in my hands i was shaking already, i flipped it over and saw two read lines

"i'm pregnant"

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now