I'm scared

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(Tui POV)

I had just walked into my sisters hospital room, after saying goodbye to my mate. She still had to do a few more things in her new house before she'd let me see it. She was really excited and I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm

Waimas mates left a while ago, once they knew my sister was okay. Apparently they had to do their jobs but would return when completed

When I saw my mother and Waima have a stare down, I look to my Dad and brother who were sitting by the big window eating popcorn

I gave Dad a weird look and he smiled with a mouthful of food before conjuring up another seat with his magic and another bucket of popcorn. He handed me the food and nodded to the empty seat

I shrugged my shoulders, sat on my butt and watched my sister and mother go at it "You had no right Mother! No right at all" Waima growled "This was a decision that wasn't yours to make!" She waved her bandaged hands around in exasperation

"I had no other choice!" Mum yelled back "What did you expect me to do? Let you die and be happy about it? Not have a piece of you to hold and love? I had no other choice!"

"It wasn't your choice!"

"Well what the hell do you expect me to do?! Huh?! Be happy and not care?!"

"Mum! I'm not ready to be a mother! I'm only 17!"

"I don't care!" Mum growls "I need to be able to see your smile! To look into your eyes! If you're not here! How was I supposed to do that?!"

"You should've talked to me!"

"You would've said no! I couldn't take that chance!"

"It was fucking selfish!"

"Yes it was! And I'm not sorry! I'll do it again and again if I have too!"

I looked to Chi-Chi, the Chimera, who was laying on the floor next to the bed. The lions head was sleeping soundly, the goats head was watching Mums every move, and the snake tail was watching us

I haven't patted her yet, I'm scared shitless to do so. It emits this aura of darkness around it and it makes me nervous. I know it won't hurt me, not if I don't threaten my sister at least, but it still doesn't help my nerves

"Who says I'm going to die?!" Waima groans frustrated. I put my hand in my bucket to grab some popcorn, only to pull out a corn on the cob. I look at Dad and he chuckles before setting his sight on the scene in front of us "You were the one who said it was okay to sacrifice myself! What changed?"

"You were kidnapped....twice" Mum said quietly in defeat "Losing my eldest, my baby. With no guarantee that you'll survive, it broke me, that's what changed. I look at you and wonder....what if? We have this life now, this beautiful life filled with love and joy, but what if? What if you die? What if it doesn't work? What if I lose you?"


"Let me finish" Mum says, interrupting whatever Waima was going to say "I neglected you your whole life. I put your brother first and I shouldn't have. Now I'm being the mother I should've been from the beginning and it could all end in a few weeks. I have to stand there and watch your mates kill you....and do nothing. I have to stand there as I watch your corpse be lowered into a glass coffin....and do nothing. I have to stand there and....and say goodbye. I can't do that. I can't be the obedient mother who puts others in front of you again....I just can't" She wipe her eyes and looks to the ground " A mother should never bury their child, a mother should never be the one to live while their daughter doesn't. I'm scared Waima....I'm so scared, so I did the one thing I knew that would allow me to keep a piece of you with me. It may be wrong in your eyes, but it isn't in mine"

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