Oh shit!

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(Waima POV)

My mates and I are hiding in the hotel room....why are we hiding you ask and in a hotel room? Clara and Janna have decided to tell Jenny and Elisa everything before they officially move. Clara said it would be better than her daughter finding out from someone else

When I realised she was also going to tell them about me, I booked it. The three of us always promised we wouldn't hide any secrets from each other and I know, shit is going to hit the fan

My mates think it's absolutely hilarious watching me pace the length of the room and trying to talk myself into being brave "She won't be that mad" I mutter "She'll be furious" I reply to myself "It's not like I could've told her" I try to reassure myself "But she's my best friend, both of them are. I should've told them" I counter "But I'm their best friend, so it shouldn't be to bad" I nod to myself "Jenny is going to break my face" I sigh "And Elisa will probably give me the silent treatment" I groan "But it's not my fault" I whine "No one knows about Vanguard so I'm not the only one keeping it a secret" Then I stop pacing and have a lightbulb moment "Maybe they'll be so distracted by the fact that Jenny's parents have lied to them their whole lives and forget about me" I smile to myself only to frown when I realise how ridiculous I sound "I'm dead" I fall to the floor in an exaggerated fashion and quietly sob

"It won't be that bad baby" Lilith laughs. I would believe her if she didn't sound like a laughing hyena right now

"Jenny and Elisa love you....sure, they'll be angry at first, but they'll get over it" Carmen smiles

"It's not like you've lied to them before" Tala comments. I don't say anything and just sigh "Or have you?"

"I didn't tell them about each others feelings" I shrug

"There's an 'and' there" Lilith quirks

"And I may or might not have been Elisa first kiss" I mumble, knowing full well they can hear me

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Carmen gasps

"We were 9 and just fooling around, it doesn't count" I defend myself "It was Christmas and we stood under the mistletoe" which I later found out was parsley "What else are you supposed to do. We were giggling the whole time and it was just a peck on the lips"

"Wow" Tala snickers "Jenny is going to kill you"

"Thank you my love" I growl at her "I appreciate the thought" I drape my arm over my eyes and pray this is a very bad nightmare "Don't you have some voo doo shit that can make Jenny forget I exist Lilith?"

"Do you really want that?" Lilith laughs

"Right now....yes" I reply

"Nope" Lilith says "You'll have to face the music"

"What happened to being on my side" I sob, hoping my fake tears will get them to protect me

"A....you're an ugly cryer and B....they're Your friends baby, they'll forgive you" Tala says

"I guess"

"After Jenny has beaten you to a pulp" She adds with a laugh while I groan

I get a notification on my phone and Carmen looks at it "It's from your Clara" She tells me "What's code red?"

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