Today's the day

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"Waima! Hurry up!" My Dad has been yelling at us since 4am

"I'm coming!" I take one last look at my naked room. "This is the last day I'll be in here"

Tui walks in looking glum and depressed "I don't want to go" She says so quietly. I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly

"I know babe, I'm so sorry"

"Maybe you and I can run away together and come back. We'll both get jobs and live under aliases" I wish it was that easy

"We'd be missed"

"Yeah right" Her relationship with Mum has been getting worse which is now affecting hers and Dads. It doesn't help that Tui and I had to pack all of our stuff while Mum and Dad packed Jay-Jays

"We'll get through it babe, and if by the end of our senior year, you still want to come back, I'll come with you"

She pulls back slightly and looks at me "Promise?"

I nod and smile "I promise" she smiles back and I see a little spark return in her eyes


Tui groans and I just shake my head "Dad seriously has to stop yelling, it's only 6am" She wasn't wrong. We both take one last look around and head downstairs. When we walk outside, Jenny and Elisa are standing, waiting by the taxi. I run up to them and hold them close

"We're going to miss you babe" Elisa says through sobs

"I'm going to miss you both more" I say trying to hold back my own tears

"You promise to text and facetime?" Jenny is doing her best not to break but her voice gives her away

"Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday"

"You better or I'll send Elisa to kick your butt" Jenny always tried to lighten the mood

"And I'll kick it hard too" We all have a giggle

"Waima!" Of course Dad has to ruin it

"I have to go girls"

Both of them groan and squeeze me "We know babe" Elisas voice sounds so broken. "Just don't forget us"

"I would never in a million years. You know me, you're my girls" After one last hug I let them go and get in the taxi with my family. As we're driving away, I lean out of my window and yell at my friends "Jenny! Elisa has been in love with you since 4th grade and Elisa! Jenny has been in love with you since 5th grade!" I look at the surprise on both their faces as they disappear into the foreground


As we're waiting to board our flight, I turn my phone on one last time only to be bombarded by text messages from my besties



Elisa- Does she really love me?

Jenny- How can you be sure she loves me?

Elisa- What if your just wrong?

Jenny- What if it's not true?

God these girls are impossible. I decide to send a group text so I dont have to repeat myself

Me- I think you both know the answer to you questions. I know I promised to keep your secrets but I want you both to be happy

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