Purple irises

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Walking out of class Tui, Jay-Jay and I are still silently shocked. What the fuck just happened?

They're all real, each of them are real and we just saw it ourselves. Finally, after walking aimlessly I break the silence

"I've got maths"

"Um....me too" Tui adds

"I-I got English. I'll see you girls at lunch" We both nod at Jay-Jay and he walks away

Still in shock, we walk into our maths class and take a seat. I'm not sure what we were learning or who was teaching. The events of the last class still so vivid in my mind. They changed and I flew was all I could think about. Everything I thought I knew was wrong They're fucking real The thought forming butterflies in my stomach. If they're real....what else is?

After class ends Tui and I walk to the cafeteria. Its loud and busy like before. Nobody cares in the least. Everybody interacting with each other, laughing and chatting without a care in the world. How can they not care?

Tui pulls my arm and pulls me towards the queue. My appetite nowhere near what it should be. I get a couple of ham sandwiches and we sit with Jay-Jay

"What the actual fuck just happened?!" Jay-Jay now looking shell shocked

"Werewolves are real" Tui says with a glint in her eye "I'm so fucking happy at that"

At least that's a good thing, for her anyway

"The sound they were making was horrible though" I cringe

"I think I'm going to have nightmares" Poor Jay-Jay, he always hated things like the supernatural. Tui and I used to tease him about it when we were kids

"If Werewolves are real, do you think mates are too?" Tui asks excitedly

"I don't know" I say, still unsure on how to process all the new information. "All I know is, Vangaurd is holding an incredible secret"

"I'm still wondering how the rest of the world doesn't know" Jay-Jay says abandoning his pasta

"The tri-brid sounds interesting though" I nod in agreement

"How powerful must the person be to have all 3 categories?" It's a scary thought

After a half eaten lunch, we're split up again. I'm in science class looking around me, wondering who is whom

"Hey" I look to my left and a beautiful girl with blue eyes and blond hair smiles at me "I'm O" She puts out her hand and I shake it

"I'm Waima"

"Yeah, I heard. You're one of the human triplets" I forgot I'm classed as a human now

"Yeah" I nod

"I'm a Werewolf" That gets my attention

"Really?" She nods "What color is your coat?" I'm very curious about it

"Black with white paws. It's not common. My Mum was the same"


She looks down with a sad expression "Yeah, she died when I was a kid"

"I'm sorry" I didn't mean to make her sad

"It's okay. It happened a long time ago"

The teacher clears his throat to get our attention "Okay class. I need you to be in pairs and we're going to do a little experiment"

O looks at me and I nod which has her smiling. The teacher placed an empty water bottle in front us along with vegetable oil, blue food coloring, a full water bottle and Alka-seltzer tablets

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