Killer red eyes

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Tui and I are walking to the cafeteria when I get another incredible smell hit my nose. It's different from before, it smells like vanilla and sandalwood. I turn to my left and see the yellow eyed girl again but the smell is coming from 1 of her companions

A girl with the reddest hair and even redder eyes turns around

My mind goes blank when I see her smile and my breathing becomes erratic. She's insanely beautiful with a body to match. Her long legs that I wish were wrapped around me, and tanned skin that I'm craving to touch. Her ruby rose lips makes me want to taste them and those killer red eyes. Her make up accentuates her eyes perfect and I wonder if I'm ever going to stop the drool from spilling from my mouth. To have her in my bed would be a dream. My fingers tracing every curve, every line. Hearing her wanting more, needing more. Filling her up with my fingers and feeling her clinch as her body reacts to my thrusts

But those eyes....those voids of blood red pull me towards her, taking hold of my soul and never letting me go. How can there be 2 goddesses in the 1 school? Is this a cruel joke or a blessing in disguise?

"Hey? Waima?" Fingers snap in front of my face and I refocus to realize I've stopped walking and am just staring. I'm relieved to know the red eyed beauty hasn't seen me yet and I start walking again

"What the hell was that?" Tui asks


"You were literally eye fucking that girl"

I scoff "Was not"

"Babe, if you were a bloke, Mr wiggles would be wiggling" We both start laughing and walk into the cafeteria. It's loud and busy. We line up and I get a simple salad, I worked hard to get the body I've got and I'm not going to lose it now. Tui, on the other hand, gets a burger a fries, that girl can literally eat anything and not gain a pound. We both turn around and see Jay-Jay sitting at a table by himself

"Do we have too?" Tui groans

"Yes babe, we do"

"But he sucks"

"I know, but it's either sit with him or sit with a dude who is picking his nose and eating it" We both look at a guy who has a finger shoved up his nose

"Ewww. Fine, but I'm not being nice"

"Just be civil then" We both walk towards Jay-Jay and sit across from him. He looks up from his food and gulps

"I thought you both hated me"

Tui shakes her head while eating some fries "We dont hate you Jay-Jay....we just wish you were never born" Ouch

Jay-Jay stays quiet during break while Tui and I talk about our day so far

After lunch, we all have supernatural studies. We aren't sure why this is part of the school curriculum but none of us are complaining "This is going to be awesome" Tui says while bouncing next to me. She's always loved the supernatural, werewolves in particular. When we were kids, we used to pretend we were these great beings who ruled the world

"Why supernatural though?" Jay-Jay quietly asks. I think the comment Tui made may have hurt his feelings but she wasn't lying. If he wasn't born Tui and I would probably have a normal happy family life with a Mum and Dad that loved us equally

As we're walking through the corridors people run past us howling and barking this school is weird One guy shouts that there is a fight after school between the tooths and the furs, whatever the hell that means, with the hexs referee-ing which just makes it even more confusing

"Are we going to check out the fight?" Tui looks at me hopeful

"Mum is picking us up, I don't think she'll wait for us" Jay-Jay points out

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