Hi Mum

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"Carmen?" I call out. I'm currently in the closet, still looking for the bathroom "CARMEN!" Still no answer Is she doing this on purpose? After a few moments of searching, I find nothing. Getting frustrated, I walk back out the closet and contemplate whether to search in the hallway outside the room, but after the early morning greeting this morning by the family, I decide against it

I sit on the best and tightly cross my legs, praying Carmen will magically appear any moment and guide me to the white, porcelain throne

She finally appears 15 minutes later....15 FUCKING MINUTES!! She shows up with wet hair and different clothes "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" I growl

"Having a shower" She says nonchalant

"WHERE the hell is that?! I need the bathroom! I've been calling out but I couldn't find you!"

"It's in there" She points to the closet

"I was in there but saw nothing indicating where the bathroom was!"

She giggles and shakes her head "I'll show you"

I follow her in, clenching my thighs together to stop any leaks. Carmen walks to some coats and moves them aside to reveal a door

"How the fuck was I supposed to find that?" I groan

"You could've asked" She smiles

"I did! Several times!" I shriek

"Are you going or not?" Right, gotta pee I quickly open the door and find the glorious bowl I need. Once in position, I release and it feels soooooo good. I moan in relief and I hear a giggle at the closed door

"Are you alright baby?" Carmen asks casually, like she can't hear me pee

"Fine. You don't have to stand there and wait, you know?"

"Okay" Then the door opens and she walks in. I stop mid-stream in shock

"What are you doing?!" I ask with wide eyes while trying to hide my dignity

"I need to do my make up" She says like it's nothing

"I'm busy!"

"I know" she giggles

"Carmen, I love you but this is not the direction I want our relationship to go. I never want our relationship to be this open. Can you wait until I'm done?"

"It's only pee. We all do it, what's the problem?"

"I'm the one peeing!!" I screech

She rolls her eyes "Just hurry up and do your thing and I'll do mine"

"No! Just wait until I'm finished before you do your thing!"

"Fine" She sighs and turns around, leaning on the sink looking at me with her arms crossed over her chest

"What are you doing now?!" I groan out loud

"Waiting until you're finished" She says while shrugging her shoulders

"OUTSIDE!!" I point to the door

"But I'm already here" She complains

"I DON'T CARE!!" I point again

"Baby. Stop being a child and pee already. The family is already waiting and you still have to have a shower"

"FINE! I'll just wait until you're done" I say shrugging

"I'd hate to point it out to you baby, but I can wait a hell of a lot longer then you can" She giggles Fuck!

"Argh! Then turn around and no listening"

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