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(3rd person POV)

Waima woke up in her temporary bed on the second floor of her house. Her parents have finally started to re-renovate her room back to normal

After the attack on her mother, things have finally started to go back to normal....


She groan and flexed her body, getting out all the creaks and crevices. Chi-Chi woke up as well, stretching and letting out a little roar in the process

"Chi-Chi, get Mum" She smirked, and watched her companion disappear before hearing her Mum let out a blood-curdling scream from the kitchen. Laughing to herself, Waima couldn't help but punish her Mum for drugging her and her mates. She did feel bad about abusing her mother's trauma, but not enough to stop. Chi-Chi appeared back in the bedroom looking very smug with herself "Good girl baby" She cooed while scratching her under her chin

Getting up out of bed, Waima sighed as her hands were a bit stiff this morning

Walking to the bathroom, clinching and unclinching her hands was becoming tiresome to say the least. She just wished they'd hurry up and heal already

It had been a few days since being released from the hospital, and she was grateful for all the care the hospital staff had given her, but she still couldn't do a lot of things on her own

Her hands ached if it was too cold, or the stiffened up if it was too hot

She couldn't hold a cup, so she had to drink her liquid from a straw. Eating was another horrible experience. 9 times out of 10, someone had to feed her cause holding a knife and fork was usually out of the question. She felt useless, and it was a horrible feeling

Did she regret what she did? No

Would she do it again if she had too? Yes

But it didn't stop the frustration and annoyance

Her family was amazing though, especially Tui. She'd cut up Waimas food for her, get her a drink. Basically whatever Waima needed, Tui was there to help

The one thing she felt embarrassed about being unable to do properly, was wiping her butt after using the toilet

It wasn't the nicest thing to admit, and she couldn't ask anyone for help out, even if she wanted too

She did come up with a system, using her thumb and middle finger, but every now and then there is a slip up

It basically ends up with Waima having several showers a day to clean herself to be safe. Atleast that was one thing she could do on her own. She was amazed at how much the mobility of her hands was relied on for everyday tasks

She had been keeping up with the recommended exercises her doctor told her to do, it was working....slowly

"Waima! Are you awake?" She heard her Mum call from her bedroom

"Yeah Mum! I'm in the shower!" She called back, letting the warm water spray her tired body

"Did you send Chi-Chi into the kitchen?"

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