Kiss ass

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(Waima POV)

You know in those romantic stories or movies when the morning after, the OC wakes to sweet kisses of their lover or the sun lightly shines in the room and gently waking you in the arms of the one you've given your heart to?....that's not what happened to me, instead, I woke up from a 4yr old weight landing right on my gut. The shock alone had me gasping for air, not to mention the freaking force it had on my organs

I'm currently glaring at Lancelot who is cackling at my feet and Tala hasn't even stirred "You think this is funny little man?" I smirk and give him a playful scowl

"You squeaked" He laughs even harder. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. Thankfully Tala said to put clothes on afterwards cause he liked to wake everybody "Y-you squeaked" He laughs even harder The little shit I pounce on him and start tickling him. He tries to squirm away but I hold him firmly "N-no i-i'm sowwy" He laughs "I won't laugh again" He has the cutest laugh. It's the type of sound that has you joining in involuntarily, you can't help it, it just happens

"Are you picking on my little brother?" Tala asks without opening her eyes

"He started it" I growl. I stop ticking the young boy and he tries to get his breathing under control. Once settled, he jumps off the bed

"She SQUEAKED!!" He yells before running out of the room

Tala sits up and rubs her eyes "You squeaked?"

"No" I quickly answer

"My brother doesn't lie" She tells me

"First time for everything" I smiled

"Uh huh" She eyes me suspiciously

"I have to pee so close your eyes"

"Why?" She asks

I point to the glass walled bathroom "You can see right in" I groan

"Oh" She giggles "I won't"

This time I eye her suspiciously "Uh huh" I get out of bed, groaning at how sore I am "I can barely walk" I mutter, making Tala laugh

"You weren't complaining last night" She giggles. I give her a hum in response and a side eye

I walk into the bathroom, watching Tala the entire time. She has her back to me but considering my track record at peeing at my mates places, I know that'll change real quick. I get a better look at the bathroom and whistle at the sheer luxury it possesses, this house definitely shows off it's wealth

I look at Tala again to find she's gone. I look around the room and find nothing, smiling to myself, I sit on the toilet and sigh happily when I release. I finish up, wash my hands and turn to see Tala standing on the other side of the glass staring at me with a smirk "Front to back kinda of girl huh?" She laughs her ass off as I turn a deep red

"You bitch!" I growl, trying to hide my embarrassment What is with my mates and peeing? Stomping out of the bathroom, Tala walks in. I grin to myself and sit on the bed, having a good view of her. She smirks at me and flicks a switch that frosted the glass "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream "You could frost the fucking glass you bitch!" All I hear is Tala laughing her ass off "You know what? You and me are going to have words one day and you're not going to like them" I growl making her laugh even more

I sit and sulk until I hear the shower turned on "Are you still pouting or are you going to join me?" She calls out. I debate between how I feel and what I actually want and what I actually want wins

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