Mr Rubbershire

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At lunch, our table consisted of Tala on my right, Lilith on my left and Carmen beside her. On the other side, it was Jay-Jay by himself while Sarah sat in Tuis lap and they were feeding each other. I was having a conversation with my....mates when Jay-Jay suddenly ducked under the table. We all stopped what were doing trying to figure out what was wrong with him. I slide my chair out slightly, bending down and finding him with his knees pulled tight to his chest and his eyes closed

"Jay-Jay? Are you alright?"

"Shhhh, don't talk to me, go back to whatever you were doing and pretend I'm not here" Okay, that's not happening

"You either come out or I'm coming in"

"No, he can't see me"


"Him" He points behind me. I turn back and see Mr Rubbershire. Why, out of everyone did he stand out, then it hits me. I turn back to Jay-Jay, unable to wipe the smirk off my face

"Oh. My. God. He's your mate"

"Would you shut the fuck up and leave me alone" By now, everyone at the table is bending down looking at Jay-Jay

"I can't, believe it. Jeffery finally found his mate and it's a student" Lilith laughs

"It's not funny"

"Has he seen you yet?" Tui questions very amused

"No, do you think he'd be over there if he had?"

"What does he smell like?" Carmen asks and Jay-Jay gets a dreamy look on his face

"Chocolate covered honeycomb. Sweet and velvety"

"Oh yeah, he's your mate" Sarah giggles

Jay-Jay shakes his head "He can't be....he's not supposed to be....if Mum and Dad find out I'll get in trouble, worse he'll get arrested"

"It's not like you have to do anything until you're 18 and graduate" I tell him

"Really!" He scowls at me "And what goes through your mind when you look at your mates?!"

"Um...." I look at my mates and blush, the many positions I want them in cross my mind. "yeah, this might be harder then we thought"

"No shit!" He scoffs

"You can't hide from him. He'll find you eventually" Carmen says "And if you reject him. You'll cause him to die a slow painful death"

Jay-Jay looks mortified "I don't want to kill him"

"It's what happens to rejected mates" Tala adds "You're 2 halfs of a whole and if those halfs don't meet. The half that gets pushed away begins to slowly wither and die"

"You can't be serious?" Jay-Jay is now freaking out

"First, you lose all your energy, then your blood starts to get thicken and your organs start shutting down, and if that doesn't kill you, your lungs start to tighten until it feels like you're suffocating to death until finally, your heart feels like it in a vice" Tala shakes her head "I saw it happen once. This guy got rejected and he started dying. Luckily, his mate came to her senses and she brought him back"

"How do you bring them back?" I ask curiously

"Tell them you don't reject them and that you love them. Then you seal it with a kiss, not a peck. A real, full blown, tongue action kiss" She sticks her tongue out and wiggles it making me giggle

"I-I can't....not today....I-I just can't. Not yet, I need time" I look around and see Mr Rubbershire looking grouchy leaning against the wall near the exit. We'll have to move him some how. Then I see the dickhead from science class, pushing his crotch up against a girls butt who clearly doesn't want it

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