Four words

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Lying in my bed staring at the ceiling was all I could think of doing when I walked out of the living room. Dad had called a family meeting so my brother and sister sat with me on the sofa waiting in anticipation as my Dad paced around the room, and my Mum avoided looking at us

"I got a really good job offer and I'm going to take it" he said

Of course us kids cheered, had we known what his next words were, I think we would've held back our happiness

"We're moving to Vangaurd"

4 words that will change all our lives. My sister Tui was the first to lose it


She ran out of the room slamming her door as she screams. Jay-Jay, my brother, just sat in silence staring at the floor

Vangaurd isn't even in the same country as ours. It's an island roughly the size of New Zealands land mass. It's the most technologically advanced country in the world and as Dad is a genius when it comes to anything with wires, Vangaurd must've of taken notice....but it's so far away

My Dad kept apologizing but I didn't want to hear it. I stood from my seat and walked out of living room. My Mum called out to me but just ignored her and kept walking. Once in the sanctuary of my bedroom, I fell back on my bed and stared at my ceiling

A faint knock was heard from my door and I knew it was my mother. Funny how she came to see me, I thought she'd be with Jay-Jay. I sighed before sitting up and calling her in. She cautiously opened my door and walked in

"Hi honey" She said as she gave me a sad smile before sitting down on the bed with me

"Hi Mum" I sighed again

"Your father is very sorry honey" She says softly

"What's so great about this job anyway" When I saw Mum flinch, I knew my voice was coming out harsh. I took several deep breaths before I apologized. "Sorry Mum....Is it really that good of a job?"

She nods with a big smile "It's incredible. Your father will be in charge of his own tech department and the pay will be huge so I can finally stop working"

Mum should've quit working years ago. She had into a car accident (not her fault) and since then has had bad back problems. But I guess, when your trying to feed, clothe and educate teenage triplets, quitting wasn't an option. I offered to get a job, Tui and I both did, but Mum and Dad wanted us to concentrate on our studies

I rub my face with the back of my hand knowing this is the best option for my parents

"I'm sorry Waima, we both are"

I look at Mum and see the guilt in her face alone. Great, now I feel guilty. I sit closer to her and wrap my arms around her shoulders

"Don't worry Mum. This move will be good for all of us, I just know it"

She gives me a grateful smile

"I love you Waima"

"I love you too Mum but I want a dog"

She giggles and shakes her head " You know your Dad would never allow it"

I nod and give my cheesy smile " That's why I'm asking you instead"

This time Mum laughs loudly and wholeheartedly "I'll have a chat with him"

"YES!" I jump off the bed punching the air "YES! YES! YES!" Mum keeps laughing as I do a dorky victory dance. I stop dancing when I notice an audience at my door

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