The world knows

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(Waima POV)

So I might have fucked up

I got drunk and went skinny dipping into the ice pool and got....hypothermia

I didn't mean too

I thought it would be fun

It was fun

But now I have so many regrets

"You're such an idiot" Lilith scoffs as she hands me a vial of green gloomp

"I didn't realise how cold it would've been" I shrug, grabbing the vial and drinking with a grimace. My mate was able to contact her Mum and she brought us home. I was fine until I couldn't stop shaking and my speech was slurred "Did I at least look cool?"

"The blue skin was a nice touch" She chuckles. When Mum realised what had happened and why, I got grounded for a month, can you believe it? It wasn't even my fault, it was the bloody penguin that got me drunk "How's the chest?"

"Heavy" I sigh

"Idiot" She reaches for the tiger balm and starts lathering it on my chest area "You're lucky it's not so bad"

Carmen speeds into the room and hits the back of my head "Idiot!" She growls

"Ow! And hi honey" I smile, only to get hit by our third mate "Would you stop that?" I groan, rubbing my head

"You deserve it" Tala snaps "Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to jump in freezing water?" She still in her half shifted phase, so all I can do it coo at her "Stop looking at me like that"

"So cute" I squeal all giddy

"Testor, si mate non esses, te occiderem" Tala mutters

"I hope that means 'I love you' baby? Cause that was really sexy" I grin

"Yep" Carmen laughs

"No seriously, what does it mean?"

"It means exactly that" Tala smirks

"Fine" I huff "How are my babies?"

"Still a little bean" Carmen smiles, rubbing her flat belly. I found out vampire pregnancy is longer than human ones by 3 months. The thought of being pregnant for a whole year gives me the heebie-jeebies

"Cravings are starting" Lilith groans, rubbing her non-existent bump

"I'm going for a scan tomorrow" Tala smiles "I hope Y'all all be there?"

"Absolutely" I grin then start coughing "Shit" I croak

"You okay?" Tala asks in a worried tone

"I've been better" I shrug "Mum says I still have to go to school though" I pout

"Do you have any idea how much you've missed?" Carmen snorts "At this rate, you won't graduate"

"It's not my fault"

"Well in most of your classes, you're still passing....barely, but in Supernatural studies, you're currently riding on an F"

"Crap" I huff "So I missed a test?"


"Shit crap"

"We'll help you study baby" Tala smiles "But if you pull a stunt like this again, I'll shove a whole bookcase of books up your ass"

"I know that's a threat" I smile, looking at my furry mate with heart eyes "But that was so cute"

"Waima!" She groans loudly "I'm being serious"

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