Demon panic

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(Adola POV)

I've been at the castle for days, only sending word to my mate to stay safe and not leave our home "More reports are coming in" Jayce says

"What and where?" I ask

"Everywhere" She sighs "America, France, England, Spain, even Papa New Guinea. There's no set course, just random appearances of Cerberus and the Minotaur. They destroy a town and then leave when humans show up"

"What about our people?" I ask

"Some are refusing to leave. They'd rather stay and protect their homes, then run"

"I was expecting that" I huffed "Our people always thinks of others first, but if there is no set course, they're wasting their time"

"I know"

"Any news of your people?" Zoe asked as she walked towards me

"They'd rather stay and help" I tell her

"Same as shifters"

"And magic users" Lucy adds, joining us

"The vampires that are mated are coming home, the others are refusing as well" Mary says, standing on the other side of Lucy

"So what do we do?" Jayce asks

"We have to find out who's behind it all" Mary growls

"We have a champion and protector" I sigh "There's only one reason they're above ground"

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked with a scowl

"The Minotaur is the Champion of the Devil, Cerberus is the devils protector"

"You've got to be shitting me?" Mary groaned "The Devil! He's real?!"

"Isn't he, like, your God?" Lucy asks

"Fuck no!" Jayce grumbles back "Glasya is. She was the lord of Malbolge and daughter of Asmodeus, therefore making her the Princess of the Nine Hells. One of the most powerful and influential of the female devils, the Dark Prodigy was an unpredictable archdevil known for her subversiveness"

"She sounds fun" Mary cringed

"And very elusive" I sigh

"Will she help?" Zoe questioned

"No one has seen or heard from her in a thousand years" I tell her "The last battle she had was with the Devil himself. Considering he's here and she's not, I'd be surprised if she's still alive"

"What did they fight over?" Lucy asks with a frown

I look at her and breathe deeply before replying "Earth"

"Who's worse, the Devil guy or the Glasya woman?" Mary questioned seriously

"Glasya, unfortunately" I answer "If she is still alive, and she does want earth, she's playing us and the Devil"

"How is she your goddess?" Mary scoffs

"Just like Moon Goddess is yours, we don't choose them, but they create us"

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