Brunette Girl / Part 1

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Credit: AryaMunn/@AryaMunn
Scene: Angst, Romance [Slightly mature scene]
Age: 20's
Specifics: Inspired by the song 'Morena' by Victor Kley. Quirkless au.

The rain fell, water droplets hitting the glass window as a pair of green eyes watched them slide down until they met others, forming into branches before eventually hitting the ground, creating a puddle.

Sitting in the corner of the café, the man sips on his coffee. It was chilly since the winter season would be rolling in soon, this realisation made the man sigh, his breath forming a cloud because of the heat inside his mouth and the cold air.

His ears perked up once he heard a laugh. Like anyone would, he turned his head to the culprit, until he met the gaze of a pair chocolate brown eyes. The person was looking directly at him and the man checked his surroundings in case they were staring at somebody else.

"I'm looking at you buddy," the feminine voice spoke, making the man confused


"I'm sorry, it's just... you're hair is just killing me," she began giggling, the man feeling completely insulted. He frowned at her before turning away again.

The woman then got out of her seat to join him at his table. The greenet facing her, staring at the seat she had just taken.

"I didn't ask for company," he said with distaste and she held her hands up defensively.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you. You seemed lonely, and it was actually a compliment. How many people dyes their hair green?" she stated and the man stared at her original seat.

"Are you sure you weren't lonely and decided to pester someone so they didn't look like some loner?" he asked and she opened up her mouth to speak before shutting it again.

"Alright, you got me, but that's not the only reason," she pointed out, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"And what is that?"

"It's not everyday I come across a lonesome, attractive guy," she placed her mug down and crossed her arms.

The freckled man froze, his mouth open, ready to drink from his beverage. Slowly, his lips tugged upwards and he met her eyes again.

"Do you usually go for lonely guys?" he teased and she shook her head.

"The quiet ones are always interesting, are they not?" she replied with a rhetorical question and he chuckled.

"Midoriya Izuku," he held out his hand for her to shake and she glady did.

"Uraraka Ochako," once the introductions were finished Izuku then sighed.

"Although, I'm not really looking for someone at the moment," he softly answered, a tone she recognised very well. She too, right then was going through...a messy break up.

"What happened?" she asked.

"She was a little obsessive y'know? Wouldn't let me see anyone, even though I'd never cheat on her. She wanted to know where I was twenty-four-seven and always accused me of seeing other people behind her back. Things just didn't work out, but I did love her at some point," he spoke, not really caring about the fact he was speaking to a complete stranger.

"Tough," she commented, but deep down, she went through something similar and Izuku could see it as clear as day on her face. The light dulling from her eyes.

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