The Plug

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Credit: AryaMunn/ @AryaMunn
Scene: Angst
Age: 27-28
Specifics: Deku is in a Coma. Ochako (wife) deals with it. No quirk AU. Tragic Story. [Depressed Ochako?]

What does it mean to have hope?

To have hope is to want an outcome that makes your life better. It not only can help make a tough present situation more bearable but also can eventually improve our lives because envisioning a better future motivates you to take the steps to make it happen.

Or at least that's what the pamphlet Ochako had read a few minutes ago said.

A common paper that family members from a patient who was currently in a coma was suggested to read.

Hope seemed to be the only comforting words people used in these situations, like right this moment as the doctor spoke to her.

"Whether we think about it or not, hope is part of everyone's life. Everyone hopes for something. It's an inherent part of being a human being. Hope helps us to define what we want in our futures and is part of self-narrative about our lives we all have running in our minds," he's tone sounded neutral. The way his words spilled sounded rehearsed, practiced and repeated. Many people has heard those same words, but somehow it calmed them down.

Except for the wife of Midoriya Izuku.

She knew when people were sincere or genuinely cared. She didn't belive this 'hope' crap from doctors whose been hinting subtlety to pull the plug on her husband.

Izuku has been in a coma for twelve months, an entire year. It all started one evening when he was returning home from work.

-12 months ago-

His phone was on speaker, thrown to the passenger side of his car. He was returning from his office job late since he had extra hours to pay in.

He and his wife has been married for years when out of the blue she had called him.

"Ochako what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" she played dumb over the phone, but Izuku knew exactly when something was on her mind.

"Ochako," the greenet's tone was laced with a warning, but it was a tiny bit playful.

"Alright, alright," she gave in with a sigh.

He waited patiently for her to find words as he took turns and stopped at red lights. He could hear her breathing  through the device. Right then he could picture her blushing or nervous, taking her time to speak.

"I think I'm ready to have a baby..,"

Green light.

"A baby... Really?!" he accelerated from the change of the robot, a bit excited from the news.

"I-If you want to that is," she hesitantly added.

"Ochako I'd love-"




It's been a year since then. Ochako blamed herself everyday for that incident completely forgetting it was never her fault.

When the light turned green, a drunk driver ran a red light and Izuku didn't see it coming. The driver collided with Izuku's car, causing him to hit his head which is how he was then put into a coma since.

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