Rooftop games

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Seeing Tommy when she didn't expect it brought a shock to her face. "Tommy? You're my roommate?" He just started smiling at that. "That's why I recognized the name Jennifer! Nice to see you again... roomie!" Still shocked looking at Tommy "Yeah... great to see you too." Then Tommy smile looking at Jennifer "So... what about this roof, huh?" And with a smile Jennifer replied "Yeah! So beautiful..." hearing that a boy grins and step forward "'Beautiful'? I can only assume you're talking about me." Looking shock she looks at him "I wasn't—" then he smirked "I'm just messing with you. I know, I know, I can come on a bit strong."
The name's Rupert, but you can call me your number one fan cause you are straight-up crushing that look." Then she looks at him "nice to meet you... it sounds like you know fashion!" He smirked "well, one of my ex-boyfriends was a model, so... kind of?" Then smiling Jennifer replied "I'd say that makes you our residents fashion expert." Then he smirked "please say that means we can go shopping together sometime." Then Veronica looks at Rupert with a smile "Ahhh! Only if I get to come too!" Then Jennifer looks at them both "sounds like fun."

Then looking around Connie said, "I still feel like we're missing someone..." Then Tommy smiled "he's over  there!" He pointed to a brown haired boy at the far end of the roof. Who was looking at stars. Then called over to him Morgan! Enough with the shy nerd act! Get over here and talk to our new roommate!" Then he looks at her "Oh... hey there. I was just trying to see if I could spot Cassiopeia Cassiopeia is located in the northern sky and from latitudes above 34°N it is visible year-round. In the (sub)tropics it can be seen at its clearest from September to early November, and at low southern, tropical, latitudes of less than 25°S it can be seen, seasonally, low in the North.
At magnitude 2.2, Alpha Cassiopeiae, or Schedar, is generally the brightest star in Cassiopeia, though it is occasionally outshone by the variable Gamma Cassiopeiae, which has reached magnitude 1.6. The constellation hosts some of the most luminous stars known, including the yellow hypergiants Rho Cassiopeiae and V509 Cassiopeiae and white hypergiant 6 Cassiopeiae. In 1572, Tycho Brahe's supernova flared brightly in Cassiopeia.[4] Cassiopeia A is a supernova remnant and the brightest extrasolar radio source in the sky at frequencies above 1 GHz. Fourteen star systems have been found to have exoplanets, one of which—HR 8832—is thought to host seven planets. A rich section of the Milky Way runs through Cassiopeia, containing a number of open clusters, young luminous galactic disc stars, and nebulae. IC 10 is an irregular galaxy that is the closest known starburst galaxy and the only one in the Local Group of galaxies.

The constellations are just a little different here then back home in Alaska." Then Connie smiled at him "you're into stargazing? I used to do it all the time when I was little." Then shocked he looks at her "Oh really?" Then smirking Rupert looks at Jennifer "Jennifer, sidebar." Rupert pulled Jennifer aside to talk to her. "Okay, just to fill you in, my boy Morgan massive insta-crush on Connie. And I'm making it my life mission to get those two crazy kids together. Are you with me?" Then she smiled "you want me to play matchmaker with you? Consider this match MADE!" Then he smirked "glad to have you on board. Let's get started." As they head back to the group, Rupert pretend to trip, and accidentally pushes Connie into Morgan! And shocked she looks at him "Morgan! I'm so sorry, I... er... thanks for catching me." Then Morgan to was looking shock looks at her "any time! Uh.... I mean... any time you fall into me! Not... any other time!" Then looking sad Rupert looks at Jennifer "this could take awhile." Then Tommy smiled "So... what now?" Then Jennifer smiled at Tommy "I think this is a party, right." Then he smiled more "Maybe we could start with some drinks?" Then Veronica smirked at Jennifer "Uh, Jennifer, I've got some wine down in my room. Want to go help me get it?"

Then she looks shock "Do we really need two people to grab a bottle of —" but before Jennifer could finish what she was saying Veronica interrupted her "Just come on!" They both walk downstairs when they were in the living room Veronica looks at Jennifer with a huge smile okay. Confess. You're into Tommy, aren't you?" Then trying to hide she look shock "What? Me and Tommy?" And she looks at her "I'm just trying to warn you... I'm pretty sure he mentioned something about a girlfriend." Looking shock "What? You mean Lisa?" That made Veronica shock "That bossy sorority girl we ran into at welcome week?" Then Jennifer started looking mad "Yeah. When we first met, she was, like, Exorcist-level possessive of him."  Then Veronica smiled "No, the girl Tommy mentioned wasn't Lisa. It was someone from back home." Then Jennifer looks confused "Huh. Now I'm curious... I need to know if Tommy is single... for my sake! The truth is... I'm interested in Tommy." Then Veronica smiled "I'm pretty sure I know how to get him to spill his guts." Then Jennifer smiled back "Oh yeah?" Then Veronica keeps smiling "Oh yeah. Watch and learn, my young Padawan." Then looking sad and down Jennifer start looking at her "Aren't we pretty much the same age?" Then Veronica smiled "Details, details. If we play our cards right, you'll get to ask Tommy anything you want."

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