The Sorority Ball

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The next morning after the sorority sleepover Jennifer went to Professor Robertson's office to fell him in on her progress. Good morning, Professor Robertson." He looks up from his book angry "Hmm? Oh, yes, good morning." Jennifer looks around and noticed the empty waste basket and wonder what happened to the Professor's letter to his daughter. Everything okay? You're looking a little down." That made him more
mad "What? This is how I always look. Now what about your update." Then she got shocked "Well, I made it to the final challenge but for it I need an upperclassman." And he looks straight at her "Aww, and let me guess you want me to find the date for you." Then she looks at him "No, it's awkward but they want me to come with Peter." That made Professor Robertson shocked cause he didn't see that happening so they were talking and in walked Peter and seeing them staring at him he got shocked "What? What's going on." Good morning, Peter. Do you got a nice suit in your closet." He was both shocked at the question and confused cause all his clothes are nice. "Yes?" Then grinning for a first time he looks at Jennifer then to Peter. "Good you're taken Jennifer to the sorority ball."

He smiled although was shocked a little but he looks at Jennifer "I'll be happy to accompany her to this... sorority ball." She wasn't expecting that eagerness but she smiled at him "Pick me up at my dorm at six pm." After that she went to her dorm to relax. But once she got inside the dorm she saw Rupert and Morgan gaming. Jennifer sits beside Rupert and talking to them as they played when Veronica came out looking for her sparkly eyeshadow palette. And she looks at Jennifer "I can't go to the ball without it." Then Jennifer smiled at her. "Let me see... you look gorgeous. I'm starting to wish YOU were my date..." that made Veronica shocked she didn't know how much she liked her at all. And Jennifer smiled at her and thinking what she was going to wear but also wondering what Jennifer would wear. Jennifer decided to wear a Sparkling Midnight Blue Dress and then she came back into the living room Connie decided to wear the sparkling grey dress with diamonds on it. So Jennifer and Connie was all ready but Veronica still thinking and then she thought what to do so Veronica rushes into her room and comes back a few minutes later wearing a beautiful red dress with a gold necklace.

She spins for Jennifer and her friends, grinning. While they all were talking the doorbell rings and then it swings open and in walked two guys and Lawrence looks at everyone "Did someone ordered two handsome men tonight." That made Veronica smirked at him "actually we order three handsome guys." That comment made him look down "yeah about the third handsome man Kyle ate seventy eggs last night and he's still sick over it." They were shocked he would eat that much eggs so they asked why. Then Lawrence looks at him "Gains. That all he said." They were talking for ten more minutes then Lawrence said it was time to go so they headed to the Kappa Phi Sigma house. A short walk through campus, the five of them stands outside the Kappa Phi Sigma house in the soft light of dusk.
The five of them stood outside talking for what seems like eternity but was actually more like two minutes then they walked up to the door and knocked on it.
Lisa came and opened the door and welcome them then they all went inside.
Once inside Lisa went to dance with Tommy while Jennifer and Peter sat around talking with Connie and Veronica and Lawrence also went to dance.
After another ten minutes Jennifer pulled Peter on the dance floor. She smiled at him and pulled him down into a kiss.
That made Tommy jealous so he went to talk to Jennifer and ask to speak to her outside in private.

Jennifer follow Tommy outside, throwing a last look over her shoulder at Peter to make sure he doesn't see her slipping out.
"So... what do you want to talk about?"
Tommy paces back and forth by the garden fountain, a curious look on his face. "I... I'm not sure. I guess I just wanted to say that... you and Peter looks happy together. And I'm happy for you." Jennifer just looks at them trying to see if he is serious. Well... thanks, I guess. That's all you have to say?" Tommy gives Jennifer a searching look, then sighs heavily. Yeah. That's all." The she looks sad at Tommy. "If you say so, Tommy... but I don't believe you." That made Tommy a little shocked and sad "What? What do you mean you don't believe me?" She just looks at him "I don't believe that that's all you have to say. I don't believe that you're happy for me and Peter." That made Tommy sad more "Jennifer, what are you saying." She keep staring in his eyes. "You're lying to me, Tommy... and you're lying to yourself." That made him a little mad "Well... so what if I am! How am I supposed to feel when I see you with another guy?" That made Jennifer mad too "I don't know, the same way when I see you with Lisa? You barely even gave us a chance, Tommy!"

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