Game night

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Finally the classes was starting and thanks to her scholarship she got her Tigarcard which is Princeton Student ID and she attended her classes a few days, after she was told what she was supposed to do Jennifer was just getting out of a lecture with Rupert and Morgan. Before they left their professor added "I'll expect those problems sets completed and emailed to me by Friday." Then Rupert starting looking sad "Why didn't anyone warn me university give a lot of work." Then Morgan smiled at Rupert "Are you kidding me? I can't wait to get started!"
Then Jennifer smiled "Maybe we could start a studied group! To make the work more fun! For us and everyone to do." Then Morgan smiled a lot and with excitement "Study Buddies!" Then realizing how excited it sounds he got a little sad "I shouldn't had said it so enthusiastically." Then Rupert smirked at him "Have I ever told you how adorably nerdy you are? Study buddies it is." As they exit the lecture hall, they see Connie walking towards their suites." She looks towards the suites not seeing them so Morgan looked shocked "Guys I'm going to catch up with Connie, see you at the suite." He yelled while running to her "HEY, CONNIE. WAIT UP!"

Then Rupert smirked at Jennifer "Aw. He's like a puppy in love with another puppy. Speaking of which... how are things with you and Tommy?" That sentence made her looks Nervous "I... I don't know what you're talking about." Then he smirked more "Oh really?" Then Jennifer smiled a little "Ok, Rupert... I'll tell you everything! Okay... So we kind of... Slept together!" Since Rupert wasn't expecting that it made him shocked "Wow! You work fast! I figured at least a week for you two to end up in bed together!" Then she got nervous as he said that so loud "Not so loud!" And then she started looking down and sad "But their is a worse part, Robertson want me to talk to Tommy for his book, I'm supposed to asked him about the football scene." Then Rupert smirked at her "Aw, don't worry I'm sure it's be fine he probably will look forward to it. And it gives you an excuse to talk to your Beau." Then Jennifer got shocked "Rupert he isn't my Beau." Then Rupert smirked "You mean he isn't you're Beau yet! But fine. I will quit teasing you. For now." Then Rupert smirked "But just be honest with me for a sec. How do you really feel about Tommy?" That made Jennifer smile and blush "Tommy? I... have feelings for him."

Then Rupert smirked at her "I knew it! In that case, you should be happy to have an excuse to talk to him!" Then she smiled "I guess you have a point... Then Rupert smirked "Of course, I do. It's best to learn it about me now: I'm always right. Now come on! Tommy should be in the middle of practice. You can watch him playing then asked him questions about the game. And I will go along so you won't embarrass yourself!" Then that made Jennifer smiled "How thoughtful of you..." Jennifer walked with Rupert to the Tigers practice arena once there they look for Tommy but he's nowhere to be found and Rupert saw a guy on the sideline and he smirked "Oh wow... look at Captain America over there by the sidelines. Wait... I recognize that face. It's Lawrence Hall! He's our school starting quarterback!" Hearing that made Jennifer shocked "I thought Tommy was our quarterback." Then Rupert smirked "Is that what he told you? Tommy is a freshman. He's our backup." Then she looks at Rupert smiling "Since Tommy is nowhere to be found I will just talk to Lawrence about football life." She walks over to Lawrence and saw to so much similar faces. Lisa saw Jennifer walking towards them and looked at her Furious "What are you doing here?"

She just stare at her furious "That's none of your business." That made Lisa more furious "It is when your walking up to us when me and Beatrice are having a deep conversation with Lawrence!" Then Beatrice started smiling "He was telling us how being tackled feels like. I hope you can show us one day." Then Lawrence smiled "It will be my pleasure anytime." Then Beatrice smiled "That sounds fun!" Then Jennifer looks at them "Actually... I was sort of hoping I could ask Lawrence a question. For a project, you know?" Then Lawrence smiled at her "Go right ahead, new girl. Don't be shy." She smiled at him "I want to ask... is it hard balancing football and school?" Then Lawrence smiled back at her "It isn't easy! I always try to take a lighter load in fall quarter since I'm so busy playing ball. And I'm not going to lie. Football life has its... perks. I know this life won't last forever. I want to enjoy myself while I can. Then Jennifer looks at him "what if your drafted in the NFL then it will last a long time." That made him smile more "I suppose so if I do get drafted but not everyone does." Then Rupert saw a sad looking player and knowing it's Tommy he smirked at Jennifer "look over there not all players are so happy-go-lucky..."

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