Kappa House Party

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A few hours after the game, Jennifer and her friends are at the Kappa Phi Sigma party. There's only one problem... they are kept outside while Lisa took Tommy inside with her. They are sad and frustrated that they are stuck in the line like a non VIP when they are close to Tommy but that exactly how Lisa wanted it. Her evil little grub on him and only him like she's his lover and boss and he can't see anything or anyone else but Jennifer isn't just anyone and she's not going to stand by and let Lisa when she's not going to let Lisa steal the man she loves so much the man who belongs with her, for the rest of their lives. She decided to try to get in with Connie and Veronica as girl powers can always work as girls can flaunt themselves to get into or out of trouble very easily. Once they went up to the guard at the door who was Kyle Veronica smiled at him. Kyle smiled back and blocked there way. "Hold on, girls. Are you on the list?" Veronica just keep smiling and twirling her hair like girls do and looks him in the eyes. "Yeah. We're listed under 'Girls' first name 'Hot.'" Then Kyle just smiled at that and looks on the list pretending to see it. "Yep. 'Hot girls.' There you are, right at the top. Head on in."

So once Connie, Veronica and Jennifer made it inside they looks at each another and smiled. Once inside they had a few conversations about her being right then Veronica smiled at Jennifer "Okay. Time to find Tommy save the day and... hold the phone. Jello shots?" Veronica grabs two Jello shot and down them both. So. Good, all the fun of being a kid plus, you know, alcohol." Connie grab a cup and licks the jello's surface. And got sad "This taste like poison." Then Jennifer smiled at them after spotting Tommy. "I... I think I see Tommy over there! You guys stay here with the Jello I'm going in alone." That made Veronica smiled as she grabbed two more Jell-O shots. While Jennifer making her away across to Tommy she saw he's surrounded by Beatrice and Lisa as Beatrice is smiling at him "So be honest, Tommy... are you ticklish." And after that Lisa looks at his beer and smiled "Your bottle is empty, Tommy! Let's me gets you another beer! That last story was hilarious. Don't you dare tell another one until I get back, okay?" Then he smiled towards her. Heh. Sure thing." As Lisa leaves Tommy spot Jennifer walking up to him. Jennifer! There you are! I thought maybe you decided not to come."

She just looks at him "No your so called friend was trying to keep your real friends out by not putting our name on the list we got in by Veronica telling your football friend we're on the list under 'Hot girls.' And it works." Then that made Tommy shocked "She did what? Well I'm glad you got in and yes Kyle is a flirt that way girls can always get past him." Then she looks down "But sadly Morgan and Rupert are not girls so he won't let them in." Then he looks at her "I will talk to him to let them in." Just as he said that Lisa return with his beer and he yelled at her about what he heard then Jennifer smiled "Tommy I like to talk to you alone." Then Lisa got mad. "No you don't he's mine for the night." Then Tommy spot kyle and when he asked about his other friends he told him he let everyone inside but made up a rule if she wanted time with Tommy she must win it by beating Lisa at beer pong something no one ever could do since freshman year and Jennifer smiled "Once I'm done with you than you need to call yourself the former beer pong champion!" That made Lisa smirked "Very... Very funny." They both headed for the table and Jennifer took a shot and made it. Rupert told her the beer pong allows you to distract your opponent so Jennifer smiled.

There a stain on your dress!" Which made her shocked "A stain? Where?!" While looking for the stain that wasn't there she missed her shot and Jennifer smiled "Oops I guess it wasn't a stain after all. Just a shadow. My bad! Sorry you missed your shot." That made her very mad "Not over yet." But round three starts and Rupert gave her an idea so she but a backspin to her throw and she scored again which made Lisa shocked it went on like that for a few minutes until Lisa lost her first game of beer pong and Jennifer won her ten minutes with Tommy. Jennifer take Tommy outside to talk to him in private. Once outside Tommy smiled at Jennifer "So... What's going on? It seems like you had something to say." She smiled back at him "I just... didn't like seeing you with those girls Lisa is Manipulative Beatrice is nice but she does whatever Lisa tells her." He look straight at her "Beatrice and Lisa? You should give them a chance! They're actually pretty cool once you get to know them." Then she got angry at that "Somehow I doubt that." Then he continued "Well... they've been nothing but nice to me." And Jennifer still angry "They don't know you all they see is a guy in a football uniform!"

That made Tommy gets angry "Oh... so you're assuming there's no other reason someone would like me?" Then she still a little angry "That's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is those two only see that." Then he looks at her "Why is she manipulative cause she straight forward." That made her more angry "See! The fact that you think that proves how manipulative she is!" Then he still look at her "I think Lisa is a girl who knows what she wants and she takes it." That made Jennifer sad "It must be nice to be so... certain. Do you know what you want?" Then he stares in her eyes "I don't know. Maybe that's why I admire Lisa... because I'm so all over the place right now." Then Jennifer smiled at him "So what can I do to help you get some clarity?" He smiled back "Jennifer... I..." she stopped him from talking by kissing him on his lips. Then she smiled "Tell me there's still something here, and I'll walk away. He smiled back at here "There still something here... Jennifer... that first day I met you I felt a spark that no one had ever shown me. I know we have an amazing connection." As he said that they both continue to kiss for a few minutes then she smiled at him "Maybe our spark means we should be together. Like... as a couple. For real."

They keep kissing then he seems to have gotten cold feet and getting nervous at the statement a real relationship. I... I can't believe it. I'm doing the exact thing I promise myself I wouldn't do. Didn't I say it the first day I met you... I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for something real. I'm so, so sorry, Jennifer. I should never have let things go this far." She was putting her head down "You said that to me then you jumped into my bed so I thought you wanted me please Tommy don't do this to me. I know your scared... but you can't just throw this away! What we got is so special and meaningful, that's why we had that spark at the beginning of just meeting." They talk a little more then Lisa and Kyle came out looking for him so he went back inside then she decided to head back to the suite all sad and defeated. Operation rescue Tommy from the evil sorority chick was a utmost failure. She was later met up with her other suite mates. Morgan caught up with her looking relieved. "Hey! There you are! We looked everywhere for you. What happened?" Then she started looking sad "I... don't want to talk about it." Then she got angry "The last thing I remember Tommy went back inside to go see Lisa."

That made Morgan shocked "And now he's not here walking home with us. Do you think maybe he's.." that made Veronica sad "Let's just not talk about it. To think he's might be dating an awful girl is bad enough." Then Connie got sad talking about this "Maybe it's better just to get some sleep and forget tonight ever happened." Then sad Jennifer looks at her "Actually.... I have to write about 'football life' for Robertson. I'll write about... football players' relationship drama. That will make Robertson very happy hopefully." Then Veronica smiled. "Sounds like my kind of essay! I'll look forward to reading it!" Then Jennifer looks at her "It probably for a story for Robertson to publish but I will let you see what I wrote but won't be complete without what he put in his book."
Jennifer spend all night at her laptop, pounding her heart out... once she was done she went to bed for two hours then she woke up and let Veronica read what she wrote. Once Veronica was done reading she gave it back to Jennifer then Jennifer went to see Professor Robertson.
Once she got into Robertson's office Peter was there to greet her with open arms. He smiled at her "There you are. It looks like you somehow managed to satisfy the professor with your assignment."

Then she smiled "is it that hard to believe?" Then Peter smiled "Yes he's rarely satisfied with anything." This.... Assignment you gave me is something wonderful it's reads like a Victorian heartbreak but in a modern days. And the evil sorority girl is the perfect villain. In fact... I think I just figured out your next assignment! You are going to join the Kappa Phi Sigma sorority!" Being shocked she just looks at Robertson can't believe what she just heard.

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