Peter's Play Wraithwood Manor

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Still reeling from Robertson's latest assignment, Jennifer leaves Professor's office and walk across the snowy quad with Peter. Jennifer looks over at him to see his attention focused on the snow underfoot, his brows furrowed in concentration. "Penny for your thoughts? You look like you got a lot on your mind..." Peter looks up at her nodding "Yeah... I'm wondering what i should do about all this, this play I was writing for a year I'm not sure if it's fully ready. 'Yosemite park' is my best work yet... a love letter to the Victorian era with a winking nod to the modernity. But I thought it would stay on the shelf and never got put out. But now it's here and I'm nervous if it's ready." Jennifer smiled at him "Peter your story is amazing it is surely ready and I'm here to help you to make it fully out." She kisses his cheek as they walked to her suite. They came within sight of her dorm building, and Peter stroke his chin in thought.

Jennifer arrived back to the suite to find her friends finishing up the party preparations. Veronica plugs in the last string of lights as she walks in. She was shocked seeing it all done. Jennifer got the food and drinks and then went upstairs to decorate up there as well with lights and a mistletoes. Jennifer walked downstairs as Veronica flounces out of the living room to put the finishing touches on her makeup Jennifer and Rupert sits on the couch to wait for their guests to show up. Jennifer asked Veronica, Connie, Rupert and Morgan to audition for the play they all agreed but Morgan will help with the stage set up. The first guest who showed up was Shawn a friend of Morgan gaming buddy so she went to talk to him. After a minute she smiled at him "Right... So.... Shawn. I could actually use a favour. I'm trying to get a cast together for a play." Shawn looks at her shocked "Oh, wow, I've never really tried acting before..." she smiled at him "You'd be perfect because.... You're intelligent!" That made him shocked "Intelligent? Me? I'd don't know if I go that far, but —

Jennifer smiled at him and interrupted him "Come on, you're a gamer, right? That requires strategy... quick thinking... and a good mind for memorization. Haven't you liked to be a wizard in a wizarding world, a traveller going to far away places, or  a spelunker exploring different caves, well as an actor you can depend on the script you get." He smiled and agreed to do it. Jennifer smiled and walked back to Rupert. He smirked at her "Damn, Jennifer, you really know how to turn on the charm. You're more dangerous than you look." Jennifer just smiled at him "Hey, it's for a good cause!" Rupert smirked more "Trust me, I'm not complaining. It was a privilege to watch you work your magic." Jennifer smiled more at him "yes I'm a witchy woman." She laughs at him a short while later, the suites is full of guests mingling in the living room, the kitchen, and even up on the roof... Jennifer heads upstairs to check out the scene and she spotted Tommy cracking open a beer in the corner. Jennifer walked over to Tommy smiling at him "There's my girl." Tommy wraps an arm around Jennifer, holding her close. Jennifer smiled at him and kissed him passionately. As they was kissing Lisa, Kyle, Beatrice and Lawrence walked over to them.

She smiled at them "hey, guys I was going to ask Tommy a question but maybe all of you like to know too." They smiled except for Lisa as she started talking about Peter play and trying to recruit them. Kyle looks at her shocked Whoa, whoa. Hold up. Isn't plays for, you know, drama geeks? I've got a reputation to uphold!" She smiled at him "Come on, Kyle. Haven't you ever been someone else." He shooks his head no she keep smiling "well you could be Ryan Reynolds in Red Noticed or deadpool , Denzel Washington in Training day, Matt Damon in The Martian, or even Robin Williams in Jumanji." Kyle didn't hear everything after she said Ryan Reynolds name "Ryan Reynolds? His wife is a total babe... I guess I wouldn't mind being him." Jennifer looks at him shocked "I didn't mean totally him just like what he does and maybe you can find an amazing woman like he found." They all decided to join the play idea. When she went downstairs Jarred went to Jennifer asking if she got more room for the play and Jennifer smiled and nodded at him.

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