Winter In Princeton

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On the first day of winter quarter, Jennifer mom parks the family car in one of the campus parking lots and gets out to help Jennifer with her luggage. Brrr! It's so cold here! Luckily we bought you knew warm clothes." Jennifer smiled at her "Yup, I'm eternally grateful, Mom." Jennifer mom Tina smiled at her "So... are you glad yo be back? Jennifer nodded smiling. Jennifer looks around the snow-covered campus, shielding her eyes against the winter sun. Seeing Jennifer looking around her mother smirked at her "Let me guess... looking for that special someone?" Jennifer smirked back "Maybe..." her mother smiled "So are you official I mean did you two went to Formal." Jennifer nodded "Yes me and Tommy went to formal." Her mother smiled "Well, if your trip to L.A together means anything you seems a lot to him so make it official." Just then, Jennifer spots Tommy approaching through the snow. He waves at her, a big smile on his face. Jennifer mom sees him smiling "Wow, the picture you showed me did not do him Justice." Hearing that it made Jennifer shocked "Mom! Just be cool!" Jennifer mom got shocked as well. "Sorry!" Tommy jogs over and sweep Jennifer up in a big hug! Jennifer just smiled at him "Whoa! Down, boy!"

Tommy smiled back at her "Sorry.... Just happy to see you." Tommy put Jennifer down and holds out a hand to her mom. "Hi, you must be Jennifer's mom. I'm Tommy." He's so handsome to picture you show didn't do him Justice he also got a strong grip." That made Jennifer shocked but Tommy just smiled at that. "I can see where Jennifer got her looks from." They all was talking before Jennifer said bye to her mom. As her mom got back in her car and drives away, Tommy smiled and puts her duffel bag on his shoulder. "Come everyone is waiting for you." Jennifer smiled and nodded as they walked. Jennifer take Tommy's hand in hers, and the two of them walked across the campus towards their suite together.... As Jennifer and Tommy cross the quad, they spots a glamorous young woman looking around campus, clearly lost. She hurries over to them as she draw nearer, an ingratiating smile on her face. "Hi there you two, could you possibly tell me where the faculty offices are?" Tommy looks at Jennifer "Jennifer you know where it is better than me." Hearing her name the woman was a little shocked "You're Jennifer." Jennifer just looks at her "yes do i know you." She smiled at her "Not yet... but I certainly know you."

The woman looks sidelong at Tommy, a sly grin tugging at one corner of her mouth. "So... that must make you Tommy." Tommy looks shocked "How did you—" she keep smiling "I should had recognized you two sooner just how I pictured you." The woman just got a text and she looked at it and smiled. "You know what? I think I can my own way from here. My friend just texted me directions." Jennifer just was shocked and nodded when  the young woman bustling off, throwing a last lingering look over her shoulder. That made Tommy shocked "Um... who was that?" Jennifer just was thinking "Professor Robertson had me write a story for him maybe he used our name in a story." Hearing that Tommy looks at her as they walked to their suite.

Jennifer and Tommy at their suite to find Rupert and Morgan in the usual spot on the couch, their eyes glued on the video game on the tv. Morgan and Rupert smiled at her and waved. They were talking then she smiled "By the way is Veronica and Connie here?" Just then, Veronica pops her head out from the back hallway, a big smile on her face. Jennifer! I thought I heard your voice... come here!" Veronica runs over to Jennifer and wraps her up in a tight hug! Over her shoulder, Jennifer see Connie coming out of her room, excited to see her. "Hi, Jennifer! I'm glad your back now we all missed you since after our karaoke night on Saturday." Jennifer smiled at Connie "Connie! Aww, it's good to see you guys. I really missed you all over the break. So that why I enjoyed last Saturday at karaoke." Veronica smirked at Connie looking towards Jennifer. Connie! Got some gossip to share." She smirked towards her. Connie looks at her then looks over at Morgan and back to them smiling "I might..." Jennifer smiled at her "Ooh, you and Morgan? Tell me everything! As I recall... you and Morgan went to Formal together I assumed everything went well from there." Connie nodded at her.

"We didn't meet up during break, but we did talk online a lot. And on the phone. And on video chat. The first time we saw each another was last Saturday during our karaoke night." Jennifer smiled at her "Aw, Connie! Wait, video chat? Clothes or no clothes?" That made Connie shocked "Oh my god, Jennifer!" Veronica noticed she didn't answer "You didn't answer the question, Connie..." Connie smirked at them "Clothes, obviously. It way to soon for... that." Morgan heard what Connie said he perked up and looks away from his game. "Too soon for what?" Then Rupert looks at the game being shocked "Dude, focus!" When Morgan looks back at the screen he saw Riven, of a thousand voices killed the entire team. "Noooooo!" That made Rupert looks sad "Game, over, man." Then he started smirking at everyone "See what I have to deal with, Jennifer? Ever sense these two got back from break even know they saw each another a week before we got back here, they've been making googly eyes at each other. It's completely throwing off Morgan's game!" Jennifer, Veronica, and Connie sit down on the couch while Morgan powers off the game console. Jennifer asked how Rupert and Jared love life and he smiled "It's going good we are the cutest couple around."

They was talking and Veronica realized something "Ooh, that's remind me. We're throwing a party tonight. You down?" Jennifer smiled and nodded at her. Just then, her phone vibrates. She looks down to see a text from Professor Robertson.... 'Looked out my window and saw you performing your characteristic woe-is-me shuffle across the quad. Report to my office ASAP.' Jennifer looks sad 'Wow, I haven't even been back five minutes..." Jennifer phone buzzes again, and she glance down to see a winky face emoji onscreen. That made her shocked "What the...?" Another message came in 'Disregard. New phone. I'm not used to this contemptible touch screen technology.' Jennifer looks at them "guys I got to go Professor Robertson just texted me to take him the paper that I did on Sunday." She walked to the door and Tommy followed her to the door "hold up Jennifer I can walk you over there is a winter festival in the park that we should check out. They got hot chocolate chestnut roasted on an open fire. Souvenirs and other stuff." Jennifer nodded and went out with him.

As Jennifer and Tommy walked across the quad, she stopped by the frozen fountain looking down at the ice. Tommy and Jennifer were talking as he pulled her to the vender selling chestnut on an open fire. The quad was set up in Christmas lights with a Christmas tree having a Christmas festival for the winter quarter. Jennifer and Tommy bought lots of souvenirs and drinks and food while Tommy and Jennifer was walking across the festival her phone buzzes again and it was Professor Robertson again so she told Tommy she needed to leave Tommy nodded he took the stuff they brought back to the suite and she headed to Professor Robertson's office. Jennifer walked into his office and he looks at her "you took long time." He started coughing and Peter got scared "Professor are you." He looks at him "I'm fine Peter go get me water." Robertson and Jennifer was coffee about things and she handed him the essay she did over break. He thanked her and start reading. Just then, the office door bursts open, and the young lady from before enters with Peter at her heel. Professor Robertson. How nice to finally meet you in person. Allow me to introduce myself... I'm Crystal Patterson."

Peter looks at them "I'm sorry professor. I tried to stop her saying you was busy." Crystal smiled at them "It's my job to push for what I want, Peter. It's what make me the best agent in Manhattan." Robertson was looking angry at her "I'm afraid you're forty years to sign me. I already have an agent! Alistair Baker!" Chrystal smiled at him "Ali retired on Tuesday. I took over his client list and jumped on the first flight here. I used the plane ride to catch up on your latest book. Very provocative stuff. Especially the Jennifer character. Hearing that made Jennifer mad "You actually named your character Jennifer." Robertson nodded at her as Chrystal smiled if what I read you had a interesting freshman year so far..." Jennifer nodded at her. They were talking and Robertson said he got a good idea for a new chapter and smiled it be about Peter play and he had idea of the cast "The star will be my characters and your friends."

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