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Waking up with a massive hangover Seoyun groans, enters the kitchen an welcomed to the sound of a blending machine. "Good morning!!!" cheers Jinee happily letting the blender run longer on purpose. "Please Jinee it to early." Ji-yoo begs from the couch.

"Early? Its two O'clock." says Jinee smirking speeding up the blender. Annoyed Ji-yoo gets up and unplugs the blender with a scowl. Handing them both cups of smoothies and a plate of food, Jinee explained what had happen yesterday. 

Just then there was a knock on the door. Jinee goes and opens it to see J-hope & Jimin, welcomes them in. The moment Seoyun laid eyes on Jimin she recalled her dream of crying in front of Jimin then kissing him. But that was just a dream. Then there was not showing up to dinner.

J-hope glared at Ji-yoo and I has he wraps his arms around Jinee protectively. Even as she walked around he clings onto her.

"What are you doing here? Don't you guys have busy schedule today?" Jinee questions waddling to the sink to wash the dishes. "Hoseok darling. As much as I love the attention I can't do anything with you clinging onto me like this. Please let me go."


Sighing Jinee had no other option but to deal with it. Ji-yoo quickly began apologizing for her actions yesterday. then went and hid under the blankets on the couch. Jimin let out a chuckle then excused himself to use the bathroom.

Taking the opportunity Soeyun waits outside the bathroom waiting for Jimin. Exiting the bathroom Jimin got startled. Pushing him back into the bathroom Soeyun locks the door, turning back around she was pressed against the wall with Jimin towering over her.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks. 

"What am I doing what are you doing? You're acting as if nothing ever happened." 

"That's because nothing ever happened." Jimin says bluntly. "I waited for you for hours. Where were you?!" 

"You sound upset-"

"I am upset. I put so much thought into the date and you didn't bother showing up, or even called."

"I tried but I had to go to this event with my boss. I thought I could get out of it early. Then my phone broke by the time I got there the restaurant was closed. Look I even have a new phone to prove it." Seoyun quickly explains searching her phone. Grabbing her hands Jimin looks at her, rests his forehead against them. Deciding no to tell her about the guy he saw her with last time, it wasn't good timing. Besides Jimin trusts Seoyun if she was seeing anyone she'd tell him.


Looking at Seoyun's face her eyes became watery, she was being sincere. Smiling he wipes the tears away & gently caresses her cheek. 

"I really wanted be there." she whispers.

"I know. How about you make it up to me. Are you free tonight?"

"Yeah." she say. 

"Good I'll pick you up at 7." That being said Jimin exit the bathroom, and both he along with Hoseok left. 


Continuing with her day Seoyun sat on the couch with a sketch pad sketching away at a design that was racking her brain. After debating on what to wear, she had finally decided with just a nice skirt and a floral dress shirt. Hearing a knock Seoyun goes to open the door to see, a man with a bread and mustache holding flowers. Not being able to hold her laugh Seoyun wipes away a tear of laughter. "Is this your way of a disguise."

"Is it to much?" Jimin says caressing his beard.  Approaching him Seoyun grabs the mustache and yanks it off. Letting out a yelp Jimin, "That hurt, these are for you." Taking the flowers Seoyun place them in a tall glass of water. 

Jimin open the side door to his car being the gentlemen he is. Buckling in Seoyun hadn't been sure what to expect for this date. Most of the guys she's dated were nothing more than a one night stand. That summed up her whole dating life, just wine, dine and sex. 

But this felt different.

It will be different. Jimin made her feel safe and comfortable, despite hooking up before. Being deep in thought she hadn't realize the car stopped moving, they were parked in front of a restaurant. Being greeted they are escorted to a private room with lit candles.  

Telling each-other jokes and stories they had dinner peacefully, no interruption, no need to worry about others or work. It was lovely.

After dinner they went to a private garden that Jimin reserved. This was like a fantasy scene from a drama not wanting it to end. Dropping off Seoyun at her apartment they wished each-other a goodnight. Gazing into Seoyun's eye Jimin leans in for a kiss, but was interrupted by the door swing wide open. 

There stood Reggie glaring at Jimin with arms crossed disgusted. Pulling Seoyun to his side Reggie puffs out his chest, going on the defense. "What the hell you doing here?"

"Funny I could ask you the same thing." Jimin clench his teeth. 

Seoyun stood in confusion, "Do you know each-other?"

"Remember when I came to you all beaten up." Seoyun nods. "This was the guy who hit me."

Disbelief Seoyun turns to Jimin. "Is that true?" 

Not responding Seoyun gets closer to Jimin and holds his hand. "Jimin?" 

Pulling his hand away Jimin, didn't bother looking at Seoyun in the eye. "Yes."

In the mid of arguing Reggie smirks pulling Seoyun into a hug. "Seoyun why didn't you tell him about us."

That push Jimin over the edge kicking Reggie into the apartment he pins him to the floor. This time Reggie fought back, landing punches. Begging them to stop Seoyun tries to pull them apart. 

Coming back from a date of their own both Jinee & Hoseok rushed to see what the ruckus was about. "Not in my home!!!" Jinee shouts going to beat the crap out her brother & Reggie with her shoe. Finally pulling them apart Hoseok pulls Reggie out the apartment despite Reggie still fighting to break free from Hoseok's grip. 

"Jimin." whispers Seoyun examining his ruse face. 

"WHAT!!!" Jimin shout, scaring Seoyun seeing how she reacted Jimin apologize quickly. 

Sitting in silence Jimin breaks the ice. "Seoyun tell me the truth. Who is that idiot to you? Is he an ex?" Seoyun's face became mortified. "I'm gonna be sick. Jimin that ex is my cousin. He's the one who let us crash in his place in France." 

Then it clicked, all the pieces fell into place. "So he's you're cousin." 

Seoyun nods. Groaning Jimin rolls himself into a ball in embarrassment. Laying down next to him, she takes his hand away from his face and gently pushes back his hair. "Were you jealous?" Seoyun asks with a grin.


"You don't have to be jealous because I only like...you." She confess. 


Finally turning to look at her, "I like you too." he whispers gently squeezing her hand.

"I'm scared Jimin." Seoyun whispers squeezing back.

"Why are you scared?" 

Seoyun glances away then looks back at Jimin. Seeing her expression Jimin knew it was best not to push it. After all Jinee did say Seoyun has had it rough.

Bring Seoyun's hands to his mouth, gently kissing them he press them against his cheek. "It's okay you can tell me when you're ready." smiling Seoyun get closer to Jimin and he embraces her tightly.            

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