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Seoyun prance around the kitchen listening to spotify , grinning ear to ear. 

'I like you.'

Giggling Seoyun blush. "Well isn't this rare sight to see. I haven't seen you cook since the time you told me you vomited on my bed when I left to go visit my parents for winter break." says Jinee taking a seat. 

Serving a plate Seoyun leans against the counter, "I thought you forgave me for that."

Jinee chuckles. "I did but I never forget. On a serious note are you & Jimin are together."

"I guess, we didn't make it official but I told him I liked him." Seoyun confess, "Are you mad?"

Jinee shook her head, "I'm happy for you, its just I've never seen you serious about anyone since you moved in." This was true Seoyun had been in a previous relationship that didn't end well since she moved in. After that she made peace with it, in a way of coping she'd go out partying, drink,hooking up.  Even when some of the hook ups wanted more she'd cut them off. Shutting herself away from forming any kind of genuine romantic relationship. But with Jimin things were different, at first they were just hooking up but that year travelling with him something changed. Maybe it was seeing each other in a different light or perhaps it was nice being there for someone who uses you for self benefit. 

This time Seoyun didn't want to ruin anything.

Looking at Jinee she gave her a genuine smile. "I just want to take things slow."

 Finishing breakfast Jinee washes her plate. "Well I won't be getting in the way, just one thing."

"If you hurt him I won't hesitate to hurt you." Jinee threatens with an innocent smile. That sent a chill down Seoyun's spine. Dismissing herself Jinee leaves the apartment.


Soeyun sat on her bed sketching the sound of receiving a message she drops everything to check it. She smiles it came from Jimin wishing her a good afternoon & asking if she'd like to have dinner at his place. Just them two no one else.

Replying with a yes, Seoyun scurries into her closet taking out multiple combinations.

They were either too formal or too slutty, deciding to go with a casual look she grabs he bag and leaves. On her way she stopped by a bakery. It would be rude to arrived empty handed, Jimin doesn't like much sweet stuff so a small fruit cake is the best choice. Patiently waiting fer her cake to be ready Seoyun takes out her phone scrolling through Instagram. She jumps at the touch she felt on her shoulder almost dropping her phone. 

Seoyun catches it, swiftly turning ready to scold whomever touched her, her eyes met with the guy from the convenience store. "Hi its nice seeing you again."

"yeah its good to see you too." she says brushing  off the dust from her phone. "I'm sorry but I'm in a rush." Picking up her dessert she leaves the bakery quickly, taking a breather she makes her way to Jimin's place. Arriving at the door she gives herself a once-over before knocking, hearing a few sounds she raise her hand to knock once more. Before she could make contact the door opens revealing a well dress Jimin, he appeared to almost be going to an award show. 

Breath taken she looks down at her outfit embarrassment and baffled. "I'm sorry! Were we going to a restaurant? I'm under dress for that." 

Running his fingers through his hair Jimin let out a small laugh. "No! If anything I'm overdressed. Please come in." Entering the place she could tell by the decor that every member had a say. Yet you can tell that Yoongi had more influence it was simple put nice and cozy.

"You can put the cake on kitchen table, & I'll be back I'm going to change real quick." Jimin excuse himself. Turning the corner Seoyun came to the kitchen that had a beautiful setting at the table.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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