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One year ago

Jimin laid on his bed doing his best to keep everything together, but he couldn't handle it anymore. Jinee hasn't been responding to any of his messages. Even the members begun to forgive Jimin about his behavior that evening dinner, still he wanted Jinee's forgiveness more than anything. Not wanting to leave his bed he told the guys that he wasn't feeling well. 

Jin not giving a fudge comes storming in, yanks the beds sheets off of him presses a hand on Jimin's forehead. "You don't have a fever, so get up and if you still don't feel well you can come back home. Deal?"

Jimin agrees lazily getting dressed we boarded the vehicles and went off to the company. Taehyung wraps his arm around Jimin's shoulder, he pinches Jimin's cheeks trying to cheer his best friend up. Giving Tae a grin he went along and wrapped his own arm around him. Causing him to jump a little his cheeks turn slightly red. Lately Taehyung had been sort of red nearly most of the time when they were together in the same place.

At practice we worked on the choreography for the new album that was going to be dropped soon.  But Jimin couldn't concentrate , Namjoon being the leader tells Jimin that he should go home. Doing as told Jimin goes back to the dorm first thing he did was going straight to the kitchen to find something to eat. Heating up leftover, Jimim slumps into the couch, slowly the silence drove him into madness. 

Dark thoughts comeback, his breathing became irregular.

I want to leave...

I want to disappear ...

I've messed up...

It's my fault... 

Then an idea went off in his head, 'What if he did left?' If he just ran away then he won't be a nuisance to anyone. 

"Jinee can me permanently,  she hasn't been discovered by the ARMY nor the company."  he says to himself. "What if- no Jimin you can't go back now. But I can't leave either." he thinks then looks down at his phone. "I'll call Jinee once if she doesn't pick up I'll carry on with the plan." 

Dialing he waited impatiently , 'Hi this is Jinee sorry I can't answer I'm studying  or at work leave a message and I'll get back to you.'

Well that's settles it. But he did not want to go alone.


Seoyun was on in the kitchen eating leftover takeout, without Jinee around Seoyun had to resort to eating takeout. Though she could cook Seoyun preferred Jinee's cooking which had more tenderness and flavor. 

"I hope Jinee come home soon." pouts Seoyun.

Her phone then rang. "Hey Jimin what's up?" 

'I'm leaving Korea and I want you to come with me.'   

"Are you insane we can't do that. What if someone finds out we'll be in big trouble." Seoyun exclaims.

"Seoyun who are you talking too?" asks Jinee taking off her shoes.

Quickly Seoyun hangs up, "Jinee you're here. Why?"

"I thought it was time I came home." Jinee says.

"That's great I've been so bored without you." she laughs. "Let's go rent some movies and eat the night away." Seoyun cheers grabbing her wallet and keys. 

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