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Waking to the sounds of voices Seoyun stirs herself awake groaning she toss the bed sheets aside. Groggily Seoyun came into the kitchen to see Jinee laughing with an unfamiliar girl standing across from her.

Jinee notice her roommates presence, "Good morning Seoyun let me introduce you to my friend. Seoyun this is Ji-yoo, Ji-yoo this is my roommate Seoyun."

Ji-yoo extends her hand with a welcoming smile, "It's nice to meet you."

"Like wise." Seoyun states then made her way to the fridge poking her head in as the other girls continue their previous conversation.

"So you think he's going to ask move in?" That perks Seoyun's ear, "I don't know we were just having dinner last night and he just said 'Oh I forgot to tell you but I bought an apartment you mite like.' And that's it nothing else." Jinee finishes taking a sip of her drink.

Closing the fridge Jinee sits next to Jinee taking in the new information, "He basically asking you to move in." exclaims Seoyun.

Jinee denies this Seoyun rolls her eyes and decided to go to work early.

"I'm going to be so glad when your gone." Seoyun says jokingly.

"This is my apartment I'm not going anywhere." exclaims Jinee as the door shuts behind Seoyun. After graduation Seoyun had gotten an intern at a well-known fashion company as an assistant. Working on a photo shoot she ran out getting anything the photographer or the models needed. Either to get them the next outfit or food delivery.

Carrying some pre-approved designs to the fashion design room Seoyun was in awe as she saw the amount of different rolls of fabrics on the walls and mannequins, sowing machines & various designs.

"You there." someone calls, "What are you doing just standing there are those the pre-approved designs?" remembering her task at hand Seoyun hands the designs over. Fashion had always been a passion of Seoyun ever since she was a child, her mother taught her how to sow from a young age. As she got older she started to make clothes for her dolls then for herself, making it her dream to become a well-known fashion designer.

"Ugh fashion now a days is so boring." Complains the head designer, other assistant agree not wanting to upset the designer. Just as Seoyun was about to leave she was ordered to take 7 suits to the fashion shoot on the 12th floor. Some Idols were coming to have them tailored for an award show.

Boarding an elevator I hang the suits on a clothes rack. All that was left to do was wait for the idols to arrive, sitting in a chair Seoyun takes out a sketch book and scribbles out a design she has been designing for a while. Minutes later the photographer welcomes the idols and to Seoyun's shock the idols where none other than BTS.

Not wanting to be seen Seoyun hid behind some props, yet that fails to help her. Getting called out to come help with the fittings, gaining the courage she emerges from the props and helps with the fitting.

Greeting all the members professionally she took the final measurement from all the rest of the members. Lastly the final member was Jimin.

Not wanting to make it seem that she had any connection to them, she didn't say much and she would only speak to take more measurements. Squatting down she taking Jimins measurements from his hip to his heel.

"Can we talk?" Jimin whispers.

"Not now I'm working."

"Just for one second." he pleads.

With no other choice Seoyun sighs gets up with out realizing how close they were to each other. Jimin blushes and turns his head to the side as Seoyun measures is arm length. "I just want to know. If you're free-"

"Jimin we've talked about this." She says sternly. "What happen in France was a mistake, okay."


"I told you I'm not looking for something long term." Seoyun says rolling up the measuring tape and jot down the final measurements. Leaving Jimin took hold of her wrist pulling her towards him.

"Can we just hang out as friends? Please?" he pouts with sad puppy like eyes.

People stared at the two, seeing what would happen next. Embarrass she pulls away from his grip and agrees. "Fine just stop making a scene." Earning a wide grin from Jimin he had been practicing how to ask Seoyun out.

Though it's not a date, date he was just fine being able to be around her.


Hours later the guys left despite Jimin just staring at Seoyun she mange to complete her work and head home early.

Stopping at a connviece store, she grabs a couple packs of instant noodles. Heading to the back of the store she grabs a couple of bottles of soju and head to the cash register.

The cashier was a young man in his early twenties. Casually he smiles, "Bad day?" He asks casually.

Seoyun just nods casually not wanting to seem mean. "Such a pretty girl like you shouldn't be drinking alone. I get off in 30 minutes if you want we can drink together and get some dinner." he blushes hiding his embarrassment.

"I appreciate the offer but I'm not looking for any company right now." Seoyun says trying no to sound rude.

From her experience in college Seoyun  knew where it situation would lead her to. And she didn't want to wake up tomorrow in a stranger's room with a massive headache. It's best to step away from the situation.

"Pity well maybe next time." Saying the young man.

"Yeah...sure." leaving the convenience store, Seoyun fumbles with her keys, opens the door to a lonely apartment.

Jinee must be having date night.

Turning on the stove, filling a pot with water she waits till it boiled before putting in the instant noodles. Minutes later Seoyun opens a bottle of Soju and eats her noodles out the pot as she watched the latest drama on TV.

As the latest drama end Seoyun's phone dings reciving a message.

It was Jimin.

Reaching for it she stops herself after what happen in France she just wanted to put that memory behind her

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Reaching for it she stops herself after what happen in France she just wanted to put that memory behind her.

Flipping her phone over she resumes her focus towards the TV.

Only to have Jimin's face thrown at her face in a car commercial. Switching it right off she goes to her room. Laying  face first dozing off  to sleep all she could hear is Jimin's voice saying.

I love you.

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