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Seoyun stared down at her recent sketch of a man in a black lace and leather outfit  but with a blank face. Lately Seoyun had a bit of overworked and to relieve her stress she did three things: party, drink or sketch. But since she has had a recent nightmare drinking was not an option, and if she attends a party she would drink so sketching it is.

Not to mention the fact that she's hasn't been able to sleep due to the reoccurring nightmare. At work she had been lectured for not doing the simplest of tasks properly. 

Sitting outside a cafe she sat with her cousin sketching totally ignoring him completely. Fed up he winds up his index finger and flicks Seoyun dead center of her forehead. She hisses and glares at her cousin. "Geez what the hell Reggie?!"

"Don't call me Reggie, its Reginald to you." he pouts. "That's my professional name."

"Well to me your still the Reggie who pissed his bed till he was nine."

Reggie gasps, "You promised you wouldn't speak of that."

Seoyun smirks at Reggie and continues her sketch, "You know as a well-know model I had to push some photo shoots around to make time for you right? I could be modeling for Louis Vuitton right now. But no I went out to have a nice lunch with my favorite cousin instead. Why? Cause I'm a good cousin unlike someone, sitting in front of me designing for someone else." Reggie rambles.

Seoyun rolls her eyes, "Such a drama queen."

Reggie snatched away the piece of paper and takes a glimpse. "And you're unprofessional. I mean look at this you clearly have someone specific in mind for this."

"Shut up." I say with embarrassment.

"Just teasing, so tell me does that roommate of yours. Is she seeing someone?" Reggie curiously asks taking a sip of his drink.

"She's got a boyfriend."

He pouts "Pity."


After a few more minutes Reggie sighs out of boredom. "I'm bored." he cries out. 

"Okay I'm done, now for you measurements." she says pulling out a tape measure, Reggie laughs and tells his cousin to put away the tape measure. Everyday Reggie would take note of his measurements to keep his figure in check. He then receives a call excusing himself, waiting for Reggie's return a familiar figure came up to Seoyun.


She looks up and there stood Ji-yoo with her hands full of shopping bags. "Hi Ji-yoo you doing some shopping I see."

"Yeah they're mostly for my friend. " She says nervously. This was perhaps the first time Seoyun had ever spoken. It was awkward to the very least. Not knowing what to say Ji-yoo compliments Seoyun's sketches. "These are really good. I had no idea you could draw you're talented."

Seoyun thanks her for the compliments, then went on to say that she knew someone in a company that were looking for potential designers. Thanking her Ji-yoo went her way, examining the card Seoyun tucks it away in her pocket. 

Reggie came then came back, saying that he was called in for a shoot, but before he left he gave her some advice. "This sudden urge to draw is a sign that your bottling up your feelings for someone, other wise I won't wear them." 

Being left alone Seoyun thought about what Reggie said shaking her head in disbelief she put it in the back of her mind. 


Back at home Seoyun checked her mailbox to discover a letter for Taehyung . Well not for Taehung exactly it was Kim Renoir.

Unlocking the door Seoyun walks in on Jinee & Hoseok kissing while watching a movie. "I'm home." she greets. Backing away from each other Jinee's face was red from embarrassment. "You're home I thought you were going to be home late." Jinee explains trying to fix her appearance, Hoseok on the other hand looked back at the TV slightly annoyed from Seoyun coming home. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude I'll be in my room." said Seoyun leaving the couple alone. With the door shut she could hear the shuffling of the couch and Jinee whispering. "Shhh Hoseok not now Seoyun's here." 

Not wanting to hear any unnecessary noises she puts on her ear buds and beings to jam along to Lana Del Rey ,and other strong female artists. Digging in her bag she pulls out her sketch book in the very back she pulls out a sketch he hadn't shown anyone. It was a figure of a young man in a dancing position faceless she grabbed a pencil and lightly sketched the face and hung it on her bulletin board.

Every day that goes by was another day closer to the deadline at the company. Getting ready to leave for work, Jinee poured her a cup of coffee. "Wow this is the first time I've seen you so focus on something...well besides finals." she jokes.

She then went to hug Seoyun from the back. "I'm glad to see you're doing what you love." 

That earns a grin from Seoyun as she proceeds to go to work. In fact she's been so busy that she hadn't had the slightest urge to drink. All her life things have never gone her way and now it was all about to change. 

Seoyun ran around all day dropping of clothes and delivering coffee, with her sketches in her bag. Receiving a message she checks her phone it was a message from Reggie opening the messages she came across Jimin's message.

Maybe I should text him back or maybe calling him will be best. It was a shitty move of Seoyun to ghost him for this long. 

Debating with herself she finally had the courage to respond to Jimin.

Hey how are you?        


Hi guys sorry I'm not as active as I said I was going to be. Things just haven't been good with work and all this Corona virus going around. I've been paranoid honestly and also I've been having writers block. But these past days I've been off I manage to write two more chapters I just need to upload them.

I'm not sure when that'll be but I'm going to start soon.

Also everyone be safe remember:

Wash your hands

Stay home if you're sick

Practice proper Hygiene

Go out if it is necessary

Stay safe and healthy. 

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