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Months Later

Staff dressed in black from head to toe rush by making sure that everyone and everything is set for the performer. Taking a deep breath I come out of the stall and wash my hands. Fixing my hair and collar I exit the men restroom and made my way back towards the members. These award shows had me on edge, my English is not that good like RM's. Feeling vibration in my pocket I unlock it. Eyes widen from shock I had received a voicemail from none other than Seoyun.

Biting my lip I sum up the courage to click play, press the phone against my ear.

'Hi it's me...Seoyun duh. God why did I just say that ...haha' She laughs nervously. 'I just wanted to wish you I mean all of you good luck. I'm rooting for you...I mean you guys. Fighting!!'

The line goes dead, I couldn't help but let out a giggle. "She can be so cute sometimes." Going into his gallery he pulls up a goofy picture of him and Seoyun in Paris.

"Well isn't someone enjoying themselves." calls a voice gaining my attention. Halsey approach me with her flowing dress dragging on the floor behind her.

Tucking my phone away I gave her friendly greeting, "Hi Halsey."

Nervously I smile and nod as she continued to talk about the awards. I'm still not confident in my English I only spoke with the basic terms Namjoon told us to say if we were in any situation like this.

Halsey raises a brow and smile teasingly, "Was it your girlfriend you where talking to?" Blushing I raise my hand in a defense position. "No no she a friend." I explain quickly.

Halsey giggles, "I'm just messing with you Jimin, but she must be some friend if she makes you smile that big." She pats my shoulder and went on her way. Hiding my embarrassment I hadn't notice RM signaling me to come over since our performance was nearly approaching.


After the performance as always we skipped the after party and went live on 'V Live' thanking ARMY for there hard work on voting. Through the middle of it J-Hope excuse himself to answer a call. However by the look on his face it was clear that it must be my sister Jinee, so he happily left.

Moments later he returns and let me tell you his aura was more brighter than usual. The Live flooded of comments regarding J-Hope's glowing aura. "Sorry I had to answer that it was from my special someone." he smiles.

The comments began spamming heart emojis and congratulating the happy couple. Though ever so often there would be a hate comment here and there. 

Let me catch you up on the current events. Months have pass since Jinee returned to Korea, both her and Hobi had a long talk  managing to work things out with their relationship. After getting approval from the head hancho themselves they announce their relationship public. 

Most ARMY's accepted it with open arms but they were also who couldn't face the fact that Idols are humans beings too. And that have the right to be happy in a committed relationship. That didn't prevent them from being in each others company. Jinee now works in the company as a translator on with the production and film team. And even on some occasions she'd tag along with us abroad but she prefers to stay behind stating that she'd be a distraction.    

Even in the company whenever we pass by each other Hoseok would be holding onto her hand or hugging her following her around. She'd try to be the most professional she can but she'd fall for his attempt of affection. Till they decided to set ground rules:

1: No lovey dovey while on the clock.

2: Must be professional while at work.

3: No distractions unless its an emergency 

Surprisingly it works they maintain there relationship out of company hours but as soon as business hours are over its noting but love in the air. I have to say I found it annoying some times for one that's my sister and two as much as I hate to admit it I was jealous.


Wrapping up the V Live we went our separate way, hopping into the bathroom for a quick shower I let the warm water run down my skin. Wrapping a bathrobe around my drench body I do my night skin routing, curling myself into a ball I snuggle with a pillow.

Tossing and fidgeting I unplug my phone from its charger I re-listen to the voicemail multiple times. Then admire more of Seoyun's and I's adventures in France, her smile was brighter than ever when we visited the Eiffel tower. Giggling I recall freaking out when she ordered something she thought was fancy. Which turned out to be snails in with some sweet sauce.

Rubbing my thumb over the pictures I felt my eyes become heavier by the second. Yawning I listen to Seoyun's voice one last time before drifting off to sleep with smile on my face. 


There you have it guys the very first chapter to Promise, I no it was short but I really didn't have much to go off from. I guess you could say I just made it up out of nowhere but then again isn't that how all stories start.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you support me in the future with this book and some of my ORIGINAL novels.

Don't forget to leave a comment I love to hear what you guys think and don't forget to vote it helps a lot.

And share this story with your friends or any ARMY you may know.


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