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When my therapist initially brought up this journal idea, she said to write like your talking to a friend. She said it would make it less awkward, less stiff, and be more cathartic.

I guess it kinda is. It's still weird "talking" to a sheet of a paper.

Anyways....here it goes.

I bet you'll be just as surprised as I was by who showed up to the coffee shop with the repair crew.

And no it wasn't Tony Stark. (Manny was devastated)

I rounded the corner on my way in for clean up day and my eyes immediately found him. Captain America. Except instead of the cowl, and the patriotic get up from before, he wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that I'm pretty sure was two sizes to small.

I knew it was him just by the way he stood. Hands on his hips, shoulders up, back straight. Very heroic.

I self consciously messed with my hair, attempting to straighten the fly aways as I approached him.

I may have swooned just a bit when he flashed his pearly whites at me.

(I can't help it. I've got eyeballs and I'm using them.)

He reached out his hand (and I honest to God got an image of him kissing my hand like some Regency Era gentleman) before I placed my hand in his and he shook it with a surprisingly strong but gentle grip.

"Ma'am" He said letting go of my hand. My skin tingled from the contact of his skin against mine, and I fought back a blush.

"Please, call me Wren. Ma'am makes me feel like and old lady." I responded and I noticed him staring at my cheek. His brows were furrowed, and he seemed bothered by something. I reached up and my fingertips grazed the quickly healing cut I had gotten the day of the attack (the EMT said it was most likely a shard of glass that got me)

"Does it hurt?" He asked shifting awkwardly.

"Oh no! Not at all. It's practically healed anyway. You saved me from worse, so don't worry about it Captain Rogers."

"Please call me Steve." He replied and I smiled back at him before looking towards the front of the shop. The crew had a giant pane of glass they were getting ready to install.

"I didn't know you knew how to do repair work." I said.

Steve laughed then, the sounds filling me with warmth, "I don't. I just wanted to come by to make sure you were ok."

"Me?" I gasped. Why on earth this man thought he needed to check up on me was a mystery. I had figured he would have forgotten all about me. The fact that he had remembered, and even felt the need to come back made my chest tighten.

"Yea. I uh—I really am sorry about landing on you."

It was my turn to laugh, "It's fine Steve. Really. I'm good. Great even. I'm honored you even gave me a second thought. It really wasn't necessary. I'm sure you have loads more important stuff to do."

His blue eyes looked to the ground then and I watched him closely. He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous sort of tick I imagined. He seemed so out of place. His blonde hair fell over his forehead, the haircut and style slightly out of date. Although he was dressed in modern clothes he held himself differently than other men. I realized suddenly that he probably felt just as out of place as he looked.

I couldn't imagine how he felt. Suddenly thrust into modern society after paying the ultimate sacrifice. Then shortly after being unfrozen, he was thrown into battle again, this time against aliens instead of Nazi's.

A Funny Thing Happened During The Battle of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now