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Stepping into Avengers tower was like walking into the future.

Steve picked me up outside my building (ON A FUCKING MOTORCYCLE) and drove me straight to the twilight zone.

I was worried my eyeballs were going to pop out when he parked his bike in the massive garage below the towering skyscraper.

My eyes bounced from one expensive sports car to the next, my head on a swivel.

"Holy shit." I muttered.

Steve chuckled and helped me off the bike. (Ever the gentleman)

"Language." He chided and I looked up at him with a shocked expression.

"I'm sorry does my potty mouth bother your old fashioned sensibilities Mr. Rogers?"

His ears colored at that.

"N-no!" He protested scratching the back of his neck, "It just slipped out."

I patted him on the chest as I walked past him, "There there pal, I'll try to tone it down for your delicate ears, wouldn't want to give you a heart attack. I hear those are common at your age."

As I continued walking across the garage I realized I had no clue where I was going. I spun on my heal and turned to face Steve.

His eyes darted up to mine from his place beside his bike, and for a minute I could have sworn he had been checking out my ass.

"Well come on then, you're not doing very well as a tour guide."

Steve smiled softly and hurried to my side, "I'll try to do better."


"This is INSANE." I gasped as we stepped out of the elevator and onto what Steve had told me was the shared common floor. It held a massive kitchen and living area, with a balcony over looking Manhattan.

I followed Steve like a lost puppy as he gave me the tour. I eyed the massive flat screen TV with envy as we passed through to the state of the art kitchen.

And finally to the reason for my visit.

I whistled in awe at the shiny chrome masterpiece. The espresso machine was probably worth more than my apartment.

"Tony Stark sure doesn't skimp on the amenities does he?"

"No, I do not."

I whipped around at the sound of the one and only Tony Stark. He was leaning against the giant pillar between the kitchen and living space, a bag of freeze dried blueberries in hand. He was dressed casually, in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and baggy jeans. He looked down right comfy. I guess that made sense as this was his personal space. I was used to seeing him on the news in fancy suits made of silk or metal.

"Mr. Stark! Wow. Uh! Hi."

"Please Mr. Stark was my father, call me Tony." He said and pushed off the pillar, holding out a hand in greeting.

I fought hard to keep my nervous trembling at bay. I was pretty star-struck I'll admit. I shook his hand, trying desperately not to say something stupid.

"You must be coffee girl."

"It's Wren actually."

"Ah yes, Steve did say your name was bird-esque."

I looked at Steve and then back to Tony, "He's mentioned me?"

A Funny Thing Happened During The Battle of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now