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Manny gave me the week off to go visit Steve, because and I quote, "You're ruining the chill atmosphere I work so hard to create in the shop with all of your brooding."

I couldn't really argue with that fact. Everything has been off with me these past few weeks. Between Steve being incommunicado frequently (the constant missions suck ass), to me feeling like I keep misplacing things around my apartment.

I'm usually not so absentminded, but I've seemed to have lost track of a few random items. Sometimes I swear I closed my window before I leave for work but when I come back it's cracked open slightly.

As Autumn slowly comes to New York, I've been bundling up more and more often, and my favorite scarf is mysteriously gone. I gave serious stink eye to Moose when I couldn't find it the other day. He has a habit of stealing my clothes for his lair.

Anyway. All this to say, an excuse to see my favorite guy is just what I needed. So I asked Manny to check in on the cat for me while I was gone and got a ticket on the first train to D.C.

I decided I was going to try and surprise Steve, and didn't tell him I was coming. We text back and forth during the day normally, so I kept track of his movements that way. I felt kinda like a spy, asking pointed questions but keeping him in the dark while I was on the train. It was kinda fun, maybe I can convince Nat to give me some real pointers next time I see her

Catching an Uber to his apartment building wasn't difficult, and butterflies of excitement filled my stomach when I got to the door and rang the buzzer.

"Hello?" Came his deep voice from the intercom.

"Package for Steve Rogers!" I chirped gripping the handle of my suitcase as I practically danced in place.

"Uh....I'm sorry. There must be some mistake, I'm not expecting any packages." He responded and I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Well, that IS unfortunate." I replied, "I guess I'll just have to take it ALLLLL the way back to New York and then return it to the lovely lady who sent it."


"Hi pookie, ya gonna let me up? I'm freezing my ass off down here, and I have it on good authority that you love my A—"

The buzzer announcing he'd let me into the building interrupted my crass response, and I laughed as I booked it up the stairs.

I made it to the 2nd floor landing in the stairwell before I was being smothered by a pair of well defined arms and smushed against a broad chest. My feet were lifted from the ground as I wrapped my arms around Steve's shoulders. His familiar smell invaded my senses and I sighed in relief.

God I'd missed him.

Pulling back, he gave me the most brilliant smile, his eyes wide with affection.

"God I missed you." Steve sighed mirroring my inner monologue and I grinned at him.

"Surprise!" I cheered and then we were making out like a pair of horny teenagers beneath the bleachers during gym class.

The sounds of our tongues and teeth fighting for dominance echoed in the empty stairwell. I idly wondering what would happen if someone walked into the staircase to find us playing a good ole game of tonsil hockey.

Steve's hand gripped my backside, and all higher functioning went out the window and I wrapped my legs around Steve's waist and clung to him like koala.

He let out a surprised grunt at my movement, but his arms shifted, hands gripping my thighs and suddenly we were moving. I was doing my best impression of a face sucker from alien as he started to ascend the stairs.

A Funny Thing Happened During The Battle of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now