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"Absolutely not."

"I'm sorry— I'm pretty sure I just hallucinated. Did you just say 'no'? As in N-O?"

"You heard me Anthony Edward Stark."

"Did you hear that J.A.R.V.I.S.? She just full named me. I didn't even know she knew my full name."

"Everybody on the planet knows your full name Tony."

Bucky Barnes had been watching the billionaire and his grand-niece going back and forth for almost and hour. He'd been sitting peacefully on the common floor of the Tower reading a book while Moose slept soundly in his lap when Wren had burst in with Stark hot on her heels.

"I just don't understand your reasoning here Birdie. I offer you THE end all be all wedding Extravaganza—Tony Stark Style—all expenses paid might I remind you and YET—you're still turning me down."

Bucky watched Wren's chest expand with an over exaggerated sigh of frustration. He had to admit the woman had endless patience when it came to the eccentric man. Bucky would have probably thrown the man out a window after the first ten minutes of the conversation.

"But that's not a healthy way to handle our annoyance.."

"What was that Buck?"

Bucky felt his face heat when he realized he had spoken aloud. His eyes shot to Wren's—the ones that were identical to his little sisters—and he smiled faintly hand stroking Moose's fur in an attempt to calm his anxiety.

"Sorry—uh—started reading out-loud." He said hoping to direct their attention away from him.
He lifted the book he had completely forgotten about and stared back down at the pages. The soft padding of Wren's footsteps alerted him to her moving across the room towards him.

"Whatcha reading?" She asked, propping a hand on her hip in a gesture that made Bucky's heart ache faintly at how familiar a gesture it was.

Shaking off the memories that constantly fought to surface, he held up the cover of the book for Wren to see.

Her gasp of delight had his lips curling gently upward.

"Oh my gosh! You're finally reading it, you gotta tell me when you get to the twist at the end!"

"I will." Bucky promised. Reading books that Wren recommend had been something that the two of them had bonded over the past several months. When he couldn't sleep he'd pick up one off the shelf she kept in the shared living space on the floor he lived in with the future Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. He had to admit she had good taste in story telling, even if a large portion were what she called "smut"

"Ahem." Tony coughed pointedly, "I believe you were about to concede to my selfless offer?"

Wren rolled her eyes playfully before turning back to Stark.

"My answer is still no Tony. I don't want a Stark Extravaganza wedding. I want something small, intimate—a Steve and Wren Wedding." She insisted.

Before Tony could shoot back his rebuttal the sliding door opened again revealing Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson walking side by side in deep conversation.

"Stevie! Thank god you're here. Save me."

Bucky held back a laugh at Tony's offended expression as Steve walked over to Wren and wrapped and arm around her petite shoulders.
Sam walked over and sat in the seat beside Bucky with a loud sigh.

"Should have brought popcorn." He muttered eyes on the trio.

Bucky chuckled softly closing his book and setting it aside, he looked away from the argument that was still going strong and gave Wilson a questioning glance.


"Did he ask you yet?" Bucky asked softly.

Sam pulled a face, "No—and I told you I wasn't going to accept if he did."

"Sam it's really ok. You've been by his side all this time—it's natural for you to be his best man."

"The past few years have nothing on the friendship—nay the history—you two have. I'm not gonna step on that."

Bucky sighed, "I'm not the same guy Steve knew back then."

"Hey. Enough of that talk man, you know that's not true."

Bucky held back another response knowing it would get him nowhere with Wilson. Whatever Sam saw on Bucky's face however prompted the other man to speak  again.

"How about this. Whoever he asks first...says yes—and no hard feelings either way?"

"Deal." Bucky agreed.

Steve, seemingly giving up on the argument between Wren and Stark, joined the two by sitting across from them on the sofa.

Steve's face was serious as he stared back and forth between them. He started to speak but stopped himself, fidgeting in his seat. Bucky watched as Steve rubbed the back of his neck anxiously and tried to hold back a smile at his friends discomfort.

"Just spit it out Pal." Bucky finally urged and Steve's shoulders slumped.

"Ok ok. Look I don't want either of you to be upset with this decision. I want you to understand I really thought long and hard about this, and you both know how much I care about you—"

Bucky shared an amused glance as Steve continued to ramble.

"All of that is to say that—Sam, I'd like you to do me the honor of being my best man." Steve with a  barely concealed guilty look at Bucky.

Moose let out any annoyed huff and scampered off when Bucky squeezed his scruff a bit too hard  in response Steve's words. He wasn't upset, no that wasn't why his chest felt tight and his face felt warm. Like he has said to Sam, it made more sense for him to be Steve's best man. Steve wouldn't want him up there with him during the ceremony anyway, large crowds still made him nervous and he no longer got enjoyment from being the center of attention.


Bucky's eyes shot to Wren's concerned face and from the silence in the room he realized she'd probably been trying to get his attention for a few minutes. Steve and Sam were looking at him with mild concern and Tony was no where to be found. Wren stepped in from of him and knelt, one hand braces on her knee and the other hovering above his leg.

Bucky nodded subtly and Wren gently placed her hand on his knee, "You ok?"

"Yea—I'm fine." He insisted.

"Ok good, because I needed to ask you something." Wren smiled.

Bucky's eyes shot to Steve who shrugged with a tiny smile on his face.

"The reason Steve asked Sam to be his best man is because he didn't have a choice—"

"Hey!" Bucky heard Sam shout in protest but he ignored him as Wren continued.

"He didn't have a choice because, I wanted to ask you if you would be my 'Man of Honor' and walk me down the aisle?"

Bucky felt his jaw slacken at her words, his heart beat in his ears as processed what she had just asked. So many emotions were flowing through him, images of his family from so long ago and the hopes and dreams he'd had—the moments he'd missed.

"Damn man! Don't leave her hanging." Sam said with a suspiciously emotional voice.

"Yes! Yes of course Wren. If you're sure."

Wren's smile was brilliant as she leaped forward and hugged Bucky close.

"It wouldn't want anybody else Uncle Bucky." She whispered into his chest and Bucky hugged her tightly thanking, for the first time, whatever cruel fate had lead him back to his family.

Authors note:

This has been sitting in my drafts for ages. And it's probably crap. But I needed to just post it and be done 😂🤣 hope y'all enjoyed this special little bonus.

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