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Steve texted me this morning saying he wouldn't be coming into the shop today.

Something about a day trip to D.C. for a meeting.

He couldn't give me much detail, but he promised he'd be back tomorrow morning. I replied telling him to have a safe trip and that I'd miss my daily ogling session. He responded with an winky face EMOJI. AN EMOJI.

He's learning.

Anyway I went about my normal daily routine. Feeding the Cat his diet mush—which he begrudgingly eats—as I eat my cereal and then heading out to work.

You can imagine my surprise when at 9am, on the dot, the bell on the door rang announcing someone's arrival.

When I looked up my eyes latched onto a familiar face. I had seen her on the television broadcasts about the attack on New York. If I thought she looked intimidating then, it was NOTHING compared to the real thing.

Natasha Romanoff casually took her place in line, blending seamlessly into the morning crowd. I didn't know how she did it, no one even glanced her way except for me.

I mean—I guess she is a spy. It's her job to not stick out.

As I helped the few customers in front of her I tried desperately to fight off the nerves forming in my stomach. This was one of Steve's teammates, I'd met Tony by chance on my visit to the tower, but I had yet to meet any others.

When it was her turn to order her green eyes assessed me, making me squirm from my place behind the counter. When she finished her sweep of my person her eyes met mine and she nodded once. It was so quick I almost missed it.

"I'll have a cappuccino please, and one of those muffins." She said pointing a perfectly manicured finger into the case full of pastries. 

"Name for the order?" I forced out.

Her beautifully sculpted brows shot up and she gave me a knowing look, "I think we both know you know my name."

"Right...yes...C-Coming right up." I chirped putting myself in service mode so I'd stop internally panicking. I took her money and got to work. When I called her back up to give her the cup and muffin she thanked me politely before wandering over to the table Steve usually sat at.

For the rest of my shift she sat there, sipping her drink and nibbling on the muffin.

I could feel her eyes on me the entire time. I avoided looking at her as much as possible.

Halfway through my shift she got a phone call and walked out of the shop. I let out the breath I felt I had been holding the entire time once the door closed behind her.

"Well that was terrifying." Manny muttered from beside me.

"RIGHT?!" I gasped wiping my brow with the back of my hand, "She's gotta be the scariest person I've ever come in contact with. And she barely even spoke to me."

"She was watching you like you were her next meal." Manny said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dude— not helping."

When my shift was over I said my goodbyes and grabbed my bag.

Stepping out of the shop I turned and let out a squeak of surprise when I found Natasha leaning against the building.

She looked up from her phone and smiled brightly, which somehow was even more terrifying than just her blank stare.

"Calm down Wren. I'm just here to walk you home."

I blinked at her like a deer in headlights processing her words. Of course she knew my name, she probably new more about me than I did. I made a mental not to ever piss off the super spy.

"Steve sent you." I said, not a question but a statement of fact.

She nodded curtly and I relaxed a bit.

"You really don't have to do that. I'm fine on my own."

"Please. I insist. Your prehistoric boyfriend would have a coronary if I didn't."

I blushed at her use of the term 'boyfriend'.  I was still getting used to that.

I sighed, shaking my head slightly at the idea of Steve asking the red-head to walk me home.

"Well. Shall we?" I asked gesturing in the direction of my apartment.

"After you." Natasha responded and I began to lead the way.

After a couple minutes of walking she broke the awkward silence.

"You're not what I expected."

A startled laugh escaped me, "A barista who lives alone with her cat isn't exactly who I'd expect Captain America to be dating either if I'm being honest."

"You're good for him though. You give him a little normal in this crazy world he's found himself in. He deserves a little normal."

I smiled at her words, her approval meant the world to me.

"I'm also glad you used the tickets I left."

I looked up at her gasping, "That was you!"

She nodded once, "Steve was never going to make the first move."

"So you figured I would?"

"I wasn't wrong." She stated matter-of-factly.

I chuckled at her words shifting my bag on my shoulder. We continued the rest of the walk to my apartment in comfortable silence. It was strange, walking side by side with probably the most deadly woman in the world. But she had this air of comfort about her that made me feel safe like I was with Steve.

When we reached my apartment building I noticed the jet black Audi parked on the street.

I whistled, taking in the gorgeous car, "Nice ride."

"Borrowed it from a billionaire." She smirked and I giggled.

"Thanks for walking me back Natasha."

"Please, call be Nat." She responded waving off my thanks.

"Nat." I said testing the sound, "Being on a nickname basis with a woman who could kill someone with her thighs was not on my 2012 bingo card."

Natasha scoffed, "Well that's a shame."

I shrugged with a cheeky grin, turning to head into the building when I thought struck me. Spinning on my heel I called after her as she walked towards the sports car.

"Yea?" She asked as I hurried over.

"Please don't stab me for what I'm about to do." I rushed out before grabbing her shoulders and planting a kiss right on her lips.

When I pulled away her green eyes were wide with surprise, her jaw hanging open. She blinked at me as I pulled away trying to hold back my giggles.

"Thanks again for those tickets." I chirped and then waved goodbye before sprinting back into my apartment.

When I got inside I received a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: "I'm telling your boyfriend."

Me: "I hope you do 😘"


A Funny Thing Happened During The Battle of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now