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Sorry for the delay again guys. I had a wedding to attend. But I'm back. And we are getting really close to a BIG part of this fic. I have loved all of your wonderful comments and theories so far! Thank you for your votes and for reading! I'm really amazed how much y'all have enjoyed this so far.

(P.s. I'm playing fast and loose with the timeline of the MCU. Because 2 years between avengers and winter soldier is a lot and I'm impatient so...Buckle up buttercups!)



A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks.

First off. I'm officially living in D.C.

I know. It's crazy how fast it happened. I didn't have a lot of stuff to pack, it's just me and Moose so that part was relatively easy.

Also having Tony Stark as a friend has major perks. Like an entire Stark approved moving company coming in and packing up my entire life into boxes and taking it all to D.C. for me. I didn't have to lift a finger.

Steve said I could keep whatever furniture I wanted and replace anything of his, but I kinda like his style. His couch is amazing, and his bed is MASSIVE. I mean it's gotta fit a super soldier so.

I was able to donate a lot of my old furniture with the help of Pepper Potts. She's kinda my newest role model. Anyone who can handle Tony Stark the way she does deserves an award, or three.

Steve had to go back to "work" almost immediately following the decision to move in together. So he basically hired Tony as my babysitter for a few days while we got all the moving details handled.

Honestly I'm not sure which one of us needed the babysitter me or Tony. We might have caused a minor fire in the lab—shooting a Jaw-Breaker with one of his Iron Man gauntlets—while my apartment was being packed up.

If anyone asks, that was all Tony's idea.

We did get some productive things done. Tony made me this special bracelet I get to wear now. It's like some kind of Stark Tech-Low Jack. As long as I'm wearing it they can find me anywhere, and it can only be removed by my finger print. It's surprisingly comfortable, I don't know how he made the metal adjust to my temperature, but it's Tony so—I've learned not to ask.

I put in my notice at work with Manny, and told him about my plans. He made me swear to keep in touch and not to be a barista anywhere else. I told him he didn't need to worry, I'm going to find what my calling is, outside of making great coffee.

I've decided that it's finally time to get my shit together and do something with my life. I can't very well just be a kept woman. The past month after my ordeal has been a whirlwind. I'm still having nightmares, but when Steve is sleeping next to me the aftermath is better.

He even suggested I start going on morning runs with him when he's home. He said it helps him out after he's had a bad night. So the first morning after I was all settled into his—0ur—apartment, he woke me at the ass-crack of dawn and dragged me to the Lincoln Memorial.

Before the sun had even risen this man takes off, breaking the speed of sound or some shit and leaving me in the dust. I've never felt so out of shape in my life. I mean literally, one second I was jogging along with my boyfriend and the next—I was just trying to keep up and not cry.

As the sun began to rise, I was on the tale end of my first lap—I lost count of the times Steve had lapped me at this point—when another person joined me.

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