Epilogue. (Steve's POV)

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Steve Rogers prided himself on his ability to keep his cool in most situations—or atleast he could project an outward sense of calm when his insides were a jumbled mess of anxiety and self-doubt.

When Director Fury had told him he had just woken up from an excessively long (and cold) nap— spanning close to 7 decades, he'd taken it in stride.

When he spent weeks adjusting to his new reality in the 21st century; he did so with his shoulders high, determined to make the most of the insane situation he was in.

When a literal God had showed up in Germany proclaiming he was the new ruler of the human race, he has put on the suit and gotten to business.

But when he had crash landed through a window while protecting the city of New York—landing on top of a wide-eyed brunette—nothing could have prepared him for how much she'd throw him off balance.

Wren turned Steve's world upside down with a simple smile and an offer to try some coffee the next time he saw her.

She wove her way gently into his heart; by simply offering to being a friend in a time when he had lost the people he was closest to to the past.

Her awkwardness, self deprecating humor and bright personality were more endearing to him than all the loud personalities of his new team mates.

And something about her instantly felt like....home.

Finding out she was related to his best friend had been a shock, but it had made sense to him. She had that same easy going way about her that Buck had always had growing up. The twinkle she'd get in her eyes when she was teasing him was pure Rebecca Barnes.

Steve felt all the more thankful that she had come into his life. He didn't much believe in fate, but watching her take care of Bucky when he had found them after the events of D.C. proved just how essential she was.

Steve couldn't imagine going through any of this without her, he didn't want to. The brief time when she had been taken had been a nightmare.

Now Steve got anxiety just thinking about the possibility of her not being in his life.

He stared at the velvet box he'd been hiding in his sock drawer, the ring sitting inside.

It had taken some time convincing the Smithsonian to give him access to the collection of items that had belonged to him in the forties. A lot of it had been found in his tiny apartment in Brooklyn and kept safe over the years—eventually added to the exhibit.

Steve didn't mind them hanging on to the majority of the remnants of his past life, but this—this ring was important.

It had belonged to his mother after all.

Even when times had been tough after she had passed, Steve hadn't had the heart to sell it. The small silver band with a tiny diamond was simple but elegant.

Perfect for his Best Girl.

Pocketing the box, he exited the room he now shared with Wren in Avenger's Tower. Laughter from the kitchen had him smiling to himself as he entered the open floor plan living space.

Wren stood at the massive kitchen island, her face and hands covered in flour. Bucky stood nearby leaning against the countertop his hair pulled away from his face. Moose sat on the counter next to Bucky rubbing his face against the cool metal of Bucky's prosthetic.

The three of them made an interesting group of misfits, Steve had the sudden urge to sketch them.

Wren's eyes shot to his as he walked towards them, her smile instantly brightening. Steve felt his heart skip like to always did whenever she looked his way.

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