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Turns out, the meeting Steve had in D.C. was more like a recruitment.

The director of S.H.E.I.L.D. wants him to relocate to their D.C. headquarters and run missions with them while the Avengers are "between jobs".

I'm not gonna lie and say I'm happy about this information. Steve seemed pretty hesitant to discuss it with me when he got back in town.

He told me Director Furry, or whatever his name is, gave him a week to think about it.

A week.

Things move quickly in the superhero world I guess.

I sat on my couch, with Moose in my lap staring at Steve's tightly knit brows after he explained the situation. I had a lot running through my head as I tried to process all of the information.

We just started dating, so obviously I wasn't ecstatic over the concept of him moving to another city. But, I'm just a coffee girl, how could I expect to keep him from doing so much good?

I'll give him credit for seeming torn about the situation. I ran my fingers through Moose's soft fur in an attempt to calm my anxiety as he looked at me with such sadness behind his blue eyes.

"I don't want to break up, but I think I need to do this." Steve said, finally breaking the tense silence.

A startled laugh escaped me and Moose leapt off my lap with an annoyed mewl.

"Well that's a relief. I don't want to break up either."

Steve smirked scooting closer and pulling me towards him, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I put both hands on either side of his smooth jaw and pressed a kiss of my own on the tip of his nose.

"Long distance isn't easy, but we can make it work." I chirped as confidently as I could as he rested his forehead against my shoulder.

"You can come visit," Steve mumbled, I tried to hide my shiver as his hot breath caressed my skin.

"You bet, it's just a short train ride up. I'll come visit so much you'll get sick of me!"

"Impossible." Steve responded and sat up looking me right in the eye, "I'll never get tired of you."

I smiled brightly, already missing him even though he was sitting right in front of me. As we sat there, side by side, both turned towards one another the air seemed to crackle with energy. Something changed as Steve's eyes traveled over my face, his hand coming up to move a stray lock of hair behind my ear. His hand lingered there against my cheek, his thumb sweeping across my jaw, and then settling over my lips.

I pressed my lips gently against the callous there and watched as Steve's eyes darkened.

My breathing started to shallow as my heart thudded in my chest, and faster than I could blink he crashed his lips against mine.

My hands went around his neck pulling him towards me as his gripped the hair at my nape, sealing my lips to his as his tongue sought entry.

I opened up on a gasp as he pulled me over his lap like I weighted nothing. My legs straddled his as our tongues danced. This was different than our kiss on the Ferris Wheel, or the other soft kisses we have shared since then. There was a sudden desperation as his lips moved against mine. Both of us no doubt worrying about our future time apart. We held each other close, my exhales becoming his inhales, his heartbeat matching mine.

I let out a squeak against him when I felt his hands move to my hips—his grip tight—as his lips moved to my neck, trailing open mouthed kisses across my skin. Goosebumps rose on my arms and my face heated as my hips ground down against him, feeling him harden beneath me.

Steve pulled back from me at the contact, his eyes half lidded, lips kiss swollen and I eyed him as he looked up at me in awe.

"Ok?" I whispered unsure.

Steve didn't respond with words, he moved his hands around to grip my ass and rolled his hips beneath me. He bit back a moan, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he rolled his hips again and again. I was panting at the contact, body going haywire as he moved me over him.

I felt like a teenager, dry humping him on my couch. But someone would have had to peel me off of him in that moment, and if they tried I'd probably fight back.

One of his hands moved up my lower back and under the hem of my shirt. His warm hand slid across my skin and my hips jerked against him when he skimmed his fingers across the bottom edge of my bra.

I put both hands on either side of his face then and pulled him to me, licking my way inside his mouth, the wet slide of our tongues against each other making my thighs clench around his.

He kissed me back with equal enthusiasm his hand moving around the curve of my ribs, and then palming my breast through the thin fabric of my bra.

I moaned as his thumb grazed my clothed nipple and Steve pulled away from my lips watching me. I began to run my hands down the plane of his chest and abdomen, settling them at the waist of his jeans. I could feel him trembling slightly beneath me. When I moved to unbutton them Steve jerked, his hand quickly snapping out from under my shirt.

"Wren—" he gasped, "I think we—we better stop."

I furrowed my brow taking in his wrecked appearance, and feeling his hardness between my thighs.

"Your body begs to differ." I laughed wiggling my hips slightly making him groan.

"You gotta know how bad I want to sweetheart," he started leaning his head against the back of the couch for a moment, looking at the ceiling as if it personally offended him. He huffed out a breath and the sat up fully his eyes holding mine.

"I've never—done this." He said quietly, his cheeks filling with color.

I sat back, blinking at him in shock, "What do you mean?"

His face was now beet-red, "You know."

"STEVE ROGERS ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME YOU ARE A VIRGIN?!" I gasped and he scrunched up his face at my outburst.

"Say it louder why don't ya? I don't think the neighbors heard you."

I put my hand over my mouth, to stifle a giggle at how cute he looked when he was embarrassed.

"I got to say, that's incredibly hard to believe." I teased.

"I just never had the opportunity." He muttered avoiding my eyes now.

"Never had the opportunity!?" I gasped dramatically, "But you were on a USO TOUR! You're a WWII veteran!! Are you telling me that you were someone with morals and not a womanizing jerk like all the rest?!?"

Steve's eyes snapped to mine and when he saw my teasing smirk he growled playfully and flung me so that my back hit the couch and his weight settled over me. He began to tickle me relentlessly and I squirmed beneath him, gasping for air.

"I surrender! I give up!" I squealed and looked up into Steve's smiling face as I struggled to catch my breath.

"You're ok if we take it slow?" He asked.

"Of course Stevie. We don't have to do anything you aren't ready for yet."

An expression fluttered across Steve's face so quick I couldn't place it, but then he was kissing me again so I forgot pretty quickly.

I guess making out with my super soldier boyfriend is my new favorite pass time.


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