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Words scar me more than metal ever will. Hurtful words brand themselves into my skin and my brain like I'm a cow in a herd of thousands of others. everyone else has been branded once. but not me. my thighs are branded with the f word. My arms get branded w the words my step dad says to me when he's angry at me for not coming home fast enough, or leaving the door open to my bed room. my thumbs and fingertips, and branded in the way a razor top looks. my face is branded in ever inch with the words other people have said to me about my appearance. I have lines up and down my left forearm, which made me loose feeling in it. My mind thinks that it's normal to say "I want to kill myself" more than "I love myself" and it's so hard trying to keep this stupid fucking smile on my face when I look in the mirror and all I fucking see is the brand marks of my pale skin and the deep purple and red scars that grace my body. these will never go away. and I want more lines. Everywhere. And for fuck sake I don't care.


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