Welcome to Konoha, Kiada

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That's her,

"Ichigo Tsumi, I called you here for obvious reasons." Said the third Hokage as he looked at me over his hands that were intertwined on his desk. His face was grave as he looked at me.
"With you being the only living member of your clan that we have found, we are putting you undercover. You will be living in the leaf, your name will be changed, and as you requested, you won't be a ninja. We have an appartment set up for you, here are your keys." he hands me a set of keys along with the address and directions. There was a room number etched on the bronze keys. He seen my watery eyes and his own softened. "Your name will be Kiada and you can work full time in a ninja weapon shop that is close by, the owner is quite ecstatic that you are taking over, he has been wanting to retire." He gave out a light chuckle.

I gave a weak smile as I wiped a few tears away from my red rimmed golden eyes. I went to give him my Leaf headband but his warm wrinkled hand stopped my shaking cold ones.

"Keep it, you may need it again in the future. Now, you can only use your Jutsus if you are in any immediate danger. We would also appreciate it if you worked in the hospital if we need it, your medical skills may be needed. Your new name will be Kiada Lassiar. You moved here for a new life. You can state where you are really from and keep your home village the same."

I nodded my head, my short red hair falling into my eyes a little and I reached up and tucked it behind my ear.
"The pain will lesson, but never diminish my dear. But over time you will find those who will help you love, and that love will ease It until it is no more." I smiled a true smile at his words and murmured a thank you.

I stood up from the chair and bowed. He smiled and came around the desk.

"When can I tell them who I really am?"
"You will know when the time is right." He gave me a warm hug before I left to find my new home.

"Welcome to Konoha, Kiada."

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