Pieces of me

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Once they brought me to the hospital I was out into isolation, no one was supposed to see me. supposed to, as I begged them to let me see Naruto, I always needed to see him to see if he was really here and it was all just some nightmare I had. I felt horrible as he had taken to sleeping in the hospital bed with me so I knew that he was there when I fell asleep and once again when I woke up, it frightened me when he wasent there when I would wake. I would think that they had gotten him and that the dreams were real. They always changed, one night it would seem normal but it would suddenly change, memories would be deformed, they would change and the good ones became bad ones and the bad ones became the worse one, those were the good nights.

The worse nights where Naruto would be there, he would be tied to something and was being totured, slowly being killed and no matter how much I ran through the crowd of people that were around me, I couldn't get to him in time.

After he dies, he would join the crowd that were yelling things at me, Naruto would always tell me that I was a failure, why didn't I save him? Did I not care? Why didn't I answer his calls when he cried out for me! Why was I not there!? Didn't I swear to myself that I would protect him and look after him? Yet I wasent there and that I was like the rest, cold and heartless, that I didn't deserve to be called his mom and that I was worthless.

I would always wake up screaming and crying from that one and I thrashed around so much that they had to start to restrain my and tie me to the bed.

Soon they forbade Naruto from coming to sleep with me and that he could only visit during the day, the night terrors started to scare him and I didn't want him to see me like that.

During the day I would stare out the window sitting in a wheel chair, I wouldn't eat and I wouldn't drink, soon they had to attach an IV to my arm to keep me hydrated and fed. I would sit there and just soak up the sun and look at the clouds, I wouldn't speak, well it's not that I wouldn't, I couldn't. With all of that screaming I did at night, my throat was to soar and raw during the day to speak.

My physical wounds healed but my mental ones didn't, I would bolt awake thinking that I was still in that stone room, I would wait during half the night, ready for someone to come in and resume the toture, the stabbings, the hot iron, or the whip. Sometimes instead of Niat to come in, some other person did and I would perfer Niat to do the toture instead of the man who would visit me late at night. His I did scream for.

Even when I was all healed, I don't think that I would be able to speak of the horror of what he did to me.

Eventually they would let the third come in, Naruto stopped coming to visit me, I knew that he had to train and I also understood that he didn't want to be around me because of the way I am now, he can't stand to see me.

The third would sit in the chair beside me and talk to me, but I could be never respond, I heard him, I nodded at him in acknowledgement but I never spoke back to him and I never looked at him.

It had been 3 weeks that I have been in the hospital, finally the Third has had enough and decided to review my memories. All the Jounin were present, they wouldn't let the genin watch, except for Naruto as he is my son,(to my surprise he was present) incase it was to much.

They wheeled me into the cleared cafeteria room, there were only a few tables for them to sit at, when they wheeled me in heard collective gasps.

Of course none of them have seen me in three weeks, only Naruto hasn't seen me in two. They wheeled me into the center of the room where there were scrolls all set up, six in total and with each scroll was a medical ninja, ready to use it to open my mind and view my memories.

They hand me stand shakily to my feet, my body wobbled, no longer used to my weight, and backed away from me with the wheel chair.

"Ichigo Tsumi, we are going to review your memories, see what we can find and see if there are anything that can help us find out who did this to you."
I knew this was a lie, they wanted to know if I told about the scrolls.

"Are you ready?" I nodded my head in conformation, he looks to Ibiki who also nodded.

All six ninja unrolled the scrolls and in perfect sinc, did their hand signs and shouted, "Memory open Jutsu!!" My work faded to black as I fell to the ground.

A scene unfolded through my eyes, it surrounded the circle so everyone could see it clearly and perfectly.

They could hear my thoughts and what was going on around me.

3rd person POV

As Ichigos body fell to the ground Naruto sprang up to catch her, but he was held back, he turned to yell aw the person who was holding him but a scene came up, it was a cement room, it looked cold and dark as he heard his foster mothers thoughts.

Whoever did the blind folding and gagging sucks. damn it's cold.

The scene moved like she was looking around, briefly stopping to look behind her as we saw her hands were bound in rope, she looked to her feet and they saw chakra cuffs linking them together.

Damn it! I can't get out of these!

Everyone on in the room could hear her laughing, they were confused until her thoughts were heard, This is like a same horror movie, so unique, I bet I'll find a metal tray with toture tools to.

Sure enough her vision turned to the right there was a silver and clean tray that all doctors use, she rose a little and they saw through her eyes the old and rusted tools that were on display.

So, they intend to toture me and let it get infected, they will offer my anti-biotics and medicine for answers. Well whatever they want, they won't get. They have nothing on me, Naruto is safe in Konoha with Kakashi.

Narutos heart fluttered, even at a time like that all she thought about was his safety, he promised that he would protect her and he broke it, he felt that she knew it to, yet she was concerned for his safety. Naruto began to feel worse about leaving her without seeing her for the two weeks.

if I got out of here, I will leave Konoha, it is best for Naruto, it's best for Naruto, come on Ichigo! You know they might hurt him because of you so you need to leave! but I needed to get out of here first.

She looked at her feet again at the chakra eating cuffs that drained her chakra till she almost had none left, they could feel her being tired as she was barely awake and making everyone feel her sickness.

A sudden thought ran through the room, what if they had Naruto? Sure he wasn't home with me at the time they got me, but that doesn't mean that they don't have him now. They could see her starting to struggle in her rope as her eyes were fixed on them. They saw her rub them raw before cutting open her wrists and making them bleed heavily, they saw her try to coat them in her blood so it would be easier to slip through.

The group winced as she continued to bleed for what seemed like hours, most of her thoughts continued on like: cold, Naruto, have to escape, leave Konoha, Naruto, Family, protection, Naruto.

It seemed like hours before the door finally opened, they could feel the surprise in Ichigos memory as she recognized the person, a face and a name appeared on the top right of the memory, Niat, friend, thought to be deceased.

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