Third Hokage

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That's it, but she wears short shorts underneath! And her headband is in the scarf around her mouth! Thank you, I'll try not to make this a short one.

After tightening the last buckle on my middle I jumped out of the window and ran to where the Hokage was supposed to be. Instead of the normal Kage box there was just rubble, seeing a purple barrier spring up I ran to the roof to see four ANBU members just sitting outside it.

"What's going on? Who is the Hokage's opponent? Can we get through the barrier?" I rapidly asked questions. The ANBU member in the white cloak pointed to the dead body of the fifth member.
"He touched the barrier an that happened, the Lord Hokage is fighting his pupil Orichimaru, as we know of there are four sound ninjas holding the barrier, and it seems that Orichimaru pitied the Sand against us. The have Shukkau and are planning to unleash it on Konoha, Kakashi sent a team of Genin, among them are: Shikamaru Nara, Sakura Hanuro, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchina ran ahead of them, presumably to finish his fight." I nodded in understanding as I walked closer to the barrier to study it, careful enough not to touch it, I placed a Kuni against the faded pink shield only to have it blasted away.

"Hmm, where are the four holding the barrier?" He pointed to them to see them unprotected it seemed. I grabbed another Kuni from my pouch and threw it to one of their heads, only to have it stopped. Funny thing was though was that the barrier wavered slightly, like it was weakened. I smiled as an idea came to my mind. Turning toward the four ANBU I said, "I need everyone to pick one of the four, do not try to touch them as there is an invisible shield surrounding them. When I give the signal take a Kuni knife and throw it at them at the same time, timing is key here. It should provide enough window for me to break through and help the Hokage." I watched as Oreo tried to summon the fourth Hokage, only to be stopped.

"Hurry." was all I said an they disappeared. Each one was ready with a Kuni and I walked close to the middle, with a nod of my head, simultaneously they attacked the invisible barrier, with the sudden shock of being attacked a small whole appeared enough for me to slip through. For once I was glad that I was short. By the time that I got through I seen that the third had dispatched the older Hokage's and had his summoning out.

"Hokage-sama! I am here to assist you!"
"Ichigo? How did you get in here? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital resting?"
"Now is not the time to ask that!" I shouted as I swung a punch at Oreos face which he dodged, we danced like this for a while. I would sometime hit him, an he would hit me. I was buying time for the Third Hokage to think up of a plan to kill him.

"Anytime Kage-sama!" I shouted a I jumped in front of him, protecting him from a blow while deflecting it. I suddenly hear a poof as one of my clones died and her memories came to me, it was Narutos clone that saved Shikamaru from dying. Good, at least he is safe.

My attention was turned back to my fight as i deflected another blow from Oreo. "Bring him closer to me, Ichigo." I backed up, giving the illusion that I was losing ground to his attacks but I was really just brining him closer to the Hokage.

I dodged out of the way as the Third completed the hand signs for the Reaper Death Seal and grabbed his arms.

"What are you doing old man!?"
"Something that I should of done a long time ago."
"You fool!!" I panted and wiped the blood away from my chin and grinned, but it suddenly faded as his head reared back and I saw a sword about to come out.

I jumped in front of the Third and the blade pierced my chest, but it did not touch the Hokage as his summon grabbed the end sticking out of me and preventing it from going further.

"Who are you!?"
"I am Ichigo Tsumi, and I will see you die! Do it Sarutobi!!" I felt the third start to pull again.

"No! What are you doing!?"
"If I can't kill you, I will take your Jutsus with me!" I felt more pain as he tried to push the blade through me more. I did hand signs and used my blood and slammed my hands on his chest.

"Summoning Jutsu!!" Smoke covered the small space as I felt my chakra lessen, in space of the smoke, stood a small purple dragon.

"Fas, I want you to go around and heal all Leaf Ninja that you can, Mal is already out there helping the others, a clone summoned her, hurry and be careful." she nodded her scales head and spread her wings and took off, effectively destroying the barrier and knocking the four sound ninja out.

The next few minutes were a blur to me, the third was pulling out Oreos arms and I had a sword running through my chest, he retracted the sword only to try to swing around me with his extended creepy neck, but I got in the way of that two as he cut my lung.

"Ichigo..." I heard from behind me.
"I will protect you with my life, and with m life I protect the Will of Fire that runs through every single one of the Leafs hearts by protecting you." I got up from my kneeled position and stood in front of him again, breathin labored and light headed I stood tall.

"What about Naruto, and Kakashi?- I felt his hand on my shoulder- you must live for them as you are the center of their Will of Fire."

"They will find others, -I turned my head and gave him a sad grin- That's part of the beauty of the world, you find things to help you with the pain and fix you."

"How are you so strong!" Oreos eyes were wide and I turned to look at him, placing my Han on my lung and it glowed with white smoky chakra, I trie to fix my lung but I was to tired.

"When people are protecting something truly special to them.....they truly can become..... as strong as they can be." I had to stop to take breaths, Oreo smirked and kicked me away, "You are practically dead already, what can you protect!? Just bleed out already. Prepare to die, sensei."

He opened his mouth again and shot the sword forward, towards his chest.

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