Final exams

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It was the day of the chunin exams and I was stuck in the hospital, again. Making a plan to sneak out to see his fight, I looked out the window. My arms were bandaged as were my hands. My torso was bruised but I was ok to walk. I heard that Lee was in the hospital and I decided to visit him an see what I could do to help him.

I took a deep breath before I stood up, and grabbed the bed railing to stand. Finally getting stable of my feet, after falling a few times, and walked out of my room. Leaning against the wall for support I tried to find Lee's room until I ran into Shikamaru.

"Ichigo? What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting."
"Shhh!!" I covered his mouth with my hand as I looked around to see if any of the nurses heard, as I have tried to escape before but I got caught and chewed out by a rather fiery nurse.
"I am trying to find Lee, I wanted to see him, and if something goes wrong I am in a hospital, there are doctors everywhere so I will be fine! Now where is Lee?" I asked and sweatdropped as he pointed to the room that we were in front of.
"Ha ha ha ah, right, I knew that." I said as I opened the door, only to see the red head in there with sand covering Lees bed and it seemed to construct him, crushing his body.

"Shouldn't you be training, Panda-chan?" I asked as I limped to stand in front of Lee, effectively stopping his sand from killing Lee.
"Out of my way, woman."
"Now, now, Garra, that is not the way to talk to a lady, you should be ashamed of yourself. How is Shukkau treating you? Better I hope?"
"How do you-"
"Oh please, one knows the signs." I waved a hand dismissively, only leaving out the fact that the Tsumi clan was taught by the Sage of Six Paths how to control them, and that it has been passed down generation to generation.

"So, please leave Lee-chan alone, fighting is strictly prohibited outside the arena." I looked at him with a warm smile as I silently activate my Kekkei Genki and took control over his sand, with out him knowing. (Her eyes are in the pic in the slideshow!)

"Why don't I treat you out to some ramen, and we won't have to talk about this again, ok?"
I felt him try to move his sand, only he was to find that he couldnt. I made it move back into his gourd and felt him trying to fight it, but he was no match for me.

"Now Gaara, that was rude, it's not nice to attack an unconscious person. Or a lady." I shook my finger at him and was going to continue when Gai suddenly burst open the door.
"Ichigo? Shouldn't you be in bed resting?" He looked surprised that I was here and more so as I rushed forward and clapped my hand over hi mouth, "Shhh, I'm not supposed to be out here! You will ruin my cover! I don't feel like getting yelled at again!"

"Ok,ok,ok. But if Kakashi finds out....."
"What would that matter? It's the nurse I'm afraid of!"
"He he he, you have no idea, do you? Hm? Where's the red haired kid?"
i turned around to look to see that he was gone, only a little bit of sand remained where he once stood.

"I think he got hungry and left, perfect, now I can help Lee."
"Help Lee?"
"Yes, he shattered all his bones in his right side right? I'm going to start to mend it, so when someone more skilled comes along, it will be easier for her to real him. Yosh! Here I go!" I walked to the side of the bed and placed my hands on Lees broken body and they glowed with white smoky chakra.

Forcing the chakra into his body I made the bones start to mend and piece them selves together while repairing the muscles around it.
After an hour of intense repair on his arm I had to stop from exhaustion.

Gai led me to a chair and sat me down,
"Where did you learn that?"
"All women of the Tsumi clan are forced to learn medical Jutsu, the men were to proud to allow the women to fight on the front lines so we had to stick in the background healing, of course that didn't stop us from training behind their backs and becoming stronger then them at all."i chuckled as took the cup o water that he handed to me. "His arm should be ok, I'll come back tonight to work on his leg and I'll see what else I can do for him."

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